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Film Screenings

Film Screening: Passing Poston

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Film Screenings

Film Screening: Passing Poston

For The Thousands of Japanese Americans Forcibly Interned During World War II,
The Scars Have Never Healed.

Passing Poston, tells the moving and haunting story of four former internees of the Poston Relocation Center. Each person shadowed by a tragic past, each struggling in their own painful way to reconcile the trauma of their youth, each still searching and yearning during the last chapter of their lives, to find their rightful place in this country.

A conversation with Ruth Okimoto, Leon Uyeda, and Mary Higashi to follow.

Watch the film trailer here.

Saturday, Jun 28, 2008

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT

For The Thousands of Japanese Americans Forcibly Interned During World War II,
The Scars Have Never Healed.

Passing Poston, tells the moving and haunting story of four former internees of the Poston Relocation Center. Each person shadowed by a tragic past, each struggling in their own painful way to reconcile the trauma of their youth, each still searching and yearning during the last chapter of their lives, to find their rightful place in this country.

A conversation with Ruth Okimoto, Leon Uyeda, and Mary Higashi to follow.

Watch the film trailer here.

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