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Workshops & Classes

Two-Day Workshop: Indigo and Shibori in the 21st Century

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Workshops & Classes

Two-Day Workshop: Indigo and Shibori in the 21st Century

This program is sold out.

Saturday–Sunday, August 8–9
11 a.m.–4 p.m. on both days

Enjoy two days of indigo dyeing with a focus on learning how the dye takes to different textiles. Shibori techniques to be explored include arashi, itajime, and nui, as well as combined and invented techniques.

Material kits will include handouts, threads, and many types of vintage kimono silks as well as some cottons, bamboo, hemp, and other natural fibers. Samples, books, and videos will be on hand for inspiration.

$72 members, $90 non-members, plus $40 materials fee due to instructor at beginning of class (cash only). Fabrics, dyes, and use of tools and equipment included. Limited to 20 participants.

Saturday, Aug 08 - Sunday, Aug 09, 2015

This program is sold out.

Saturday–Sunday, August 8–9
11 a.m.–4 p.m. on both days

Enjoy two days of indigo dyeing with a focus on learning how the dye takes to different textiles. Shibori techniques to be explored include arashi, itajime, and nui, as well as combined and invented techniques.

Material kits will include handouts, threads, and many types of vintage kimono silks as well as some cottons, bamboo, hemp, and other natural fibers. Samples, books, and videos will be on hand for inspiration.

$72 members, $90 non-members, plus $40 materials fee due to instructor at beginning of class (cash only). Fabrics, dyes, and use of tools and equipment included. Limited to 20 participants.

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