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The Grand Event: 10 Short Plays
Jul 16, 2023
The Democracy Center plays host for staged readings of works from entertwine's third annual AAPI 24-hour Playwriting Contest. This contest gives diverse and underrepresented writers an opportunity to explore their craft. They each have just a few hours to produce a short ten-minute play. See the top ten plays from this year’s contest by playwrights Yayoi L Naito Winfrey, Shruti Tewari, Sarah Aoki, Jessica W. Chen, Je...
Sutra and Bible Upper Level Members & VIP Reception
Apr 02, 2022
Members at the Director's Circle Level and above are invited to a VIP Reception of Sutra and Bible: Faith and the Japanese American World War II Incarceration. See an array of astonishing artifacts: from the prayer books and religious scrolls they carried into camp, to the Buddha statues, crosses, and altars they handcrafted to keep their spirits alive. Evites were sent in early March. By invitation only. Contact ...
Nima Voices: Episode 8—Laura Honda-Hasegawa
Mar 15, 2022
Free [Language: Portuguese] Discover Nikkei is JANM’s community-based web project sharing stories and the experiences of Nikkei around the world. “Nima” are members of the Discover Nikkei online community. Hailing from all around the world, they each bring unique experiences and perspectives to the site’s rich archive of stories. Nima Voices is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief, ...
Tea & Letter Writing: reflections
Aug 11, 2021
Gather with us in the comfort of your own home to share tea and conversation and celebrate the second anniversary of our Tea & Letter Writing series! Join traci kato-kiriyama, former Little Tokyo +LAB Artist-in-Residence at JANM, and Mya Worrell, zine maker and writer, for reflective letter writing and zine creation. Make yourself a cup of tea, get comfortable, and join us online for this interactive bi-monthly progr...
2020 JACSC Education Conference: Connecting, Empowering, & Transforming Our Communities
Oct 17, 2020 - Oct 18, 2020
FREE Please join the Japanese American Confinement Sites Consortium (JACSC) for the first virtual JACSC education conference. Founded on the idea that we are stronger together than on our own, JACSC aims to bring together practitioners in preservation, education, and advocacy related to the Japanese American experience. This free opportunity includes educational sessions and inspiring conversations with our nat...
Author Discussion – "Thirty Minutes Over Oregon: A Japanese Pilot’s World War II Story" by Marc Nobleman
Feb 29, 2020
Hiroshima. Dresden. London. Brookings? Americans know the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as one of the most infamous events of World War II. However, few on either side know that Japan also bombed mainland America—twice. Navy pilot Nobuo Fujita launched a seaplane off a submarine—via catapult—and hit the woods outside the town of Brookings, Oregon. No one was killed or even hurt, but all involved wer...
Tea & Letter Writing: gathering in relaxation, expression & conversation
Nov 07, 2019
Do you miss the art of letter writing? Would you like the opportunity to write a letter to the future of Little Tokyo or to a future stakeholder of this community? Gather with us in a relaxed atmosphere to share tea and conversation and write letters—with plenty of prompts provided by traci kato-kiriyama, former Little Tokyo +LAB Artist-in-Residence at JANM. Come write about your hopes and dreams for the future of...
Summer Respite: Tea & Letter Writing to the Future
Aug 15, 2019
FREE Do you miss the art of letter writing? Would you like to have the opportunity to write a letter to the future of Little Tokyo or to a future stakeholder of this community? Gather with us in a relaxed atmosphere on JANM Plaza each Thursday of August to share tea, conversation, and write letters—with plenty of prompts provided by traci kato-kiriyama, Little Tokyo +LAB Artist-in-Residence. Artist...
Summer Respite: Tea & Letter Writing to the Future
Aug 08, 2019
FREE Do you miss the art of letter writing? Would you like to have the opportunity to write a letter to the future of Little Tokyo or to a future stakeholder of this community? Gather with us in a relaxed atmosphere on JANM Plaza each Thursday of August to share tea, conversation, and write letters—with plenty of prompts provided by traci kato-kiriyama, Little Tokyo +LAB Artist-in-Residence. Artist...
Summer Respite: Tea & Letter Writing to the Future
Aug 01, 2019
FREE Do you miss the art of letter writing? Would you like to have the opportunity to write a letter to the future of Little Tokyo or to a future stakeholder of this community? Gather with us in a relaxed atmosphere on JANM Plaza each Thursday of August to share tea, conversation, and write letters—with plenty of prompts provided by traci kato-kiriyama, Little Tokyo +LAB Artist-in-Residence. Artist...