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Members Only Exhibition Tour: "Kaiju vs Heroes"
Sep 15, 2018
In California in the 1970s, Mark Nagata was living an all-American childhood when an aunt and uncle serving on a US military base in Japan sent him a box filled with colorful kaiju and hero toys. For Nagata, those toys and the artwork of their packaging inspired him to study art, to zealously collect vintage Japanese vinyl toys, and to become a toy designer himself. Join Mark Nagata for a gallery tour during which...
Asian Pacific Islander Festival: "Conscience and the Constitution"
May 12, 2012
Award-winning film by Frank Abe that provoked controversy nationwide for documenting the untold story of the largest organized resistance to the wartime incarceration of Japanese Americans, and the suppression of that resistance by Japanese American leaders. Screening includes new featurette, “The JACL Apologizes.” Q&A with the filmmaker and DVD signing will follow the screening. Purchase the DVD from the Museu...
Night & the City: L.A. Noir in Poetry, Fiction, & Film
Oct 29, 2011
As part of the citywide event produced by The Los Angeles Poetry Festival and Beyond Baroque, the National Museum presents Naomi Hirahara, author of Snakeskin Shamisen and other books featuring gardener and sleuth Masuo Arai, and poet Carol Lem, author of Gathering the Pieces and other collections, whose recent poems investigate family secrets and shady activities.
Fighting for Democracy Pre-visit Workshop
Jan 16, 2010
Sign-up for a FREE Pre-Visit Workshop Saturday, January 16, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Lunch provided) WHAT IS FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY? For hundreds of years people have sought a home and future in the United States of America. They came, and still come, in pursuit of freedom and democracy. Yet, the dream of democracy is not without its struggle. Against the backdrop of World War II, a segregated America, and the Ci...
Living Flowers
Jun 15, 2008 - Sep 07, 2008
Living Flowers: Ikebana and Contemporary Art is an innovative exhibition that showcases the traditional Japanese art of ikebana alongside cutting-edge contemporary art. For centuries, ikebana has been displayed in conjunction with traditional Asian art. In Living Flowers, arrangements by masters of the Ikenobo, Ohara, and Sogetsu schools of ikebana will be juxtaposed with the works of international artists. The exhib...
Member Holiday Shopping Days!
Dec 03, 2006
FREE ADMISSION AND 20% OFF AT 20 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INSTITUTIONS The Japanese American National Museum, in partnership with 19 Southland institutions, hosts special holiday shopping days for members only! For one day only, National Museum Members will receive 20% off* at the award-winning Museum Store and online at There will also be complimentary gift-wrapping and light holiday refreshments. ...
1st & Central Summer Concerts: Riffat Sultana & Party
Aug 24, 2006
FREE 6:30 PM - Opening Act 7:00 PM - Featured Artists Daughter of legendary Pakistani singer, Salamat Ali Khan, vocalist Riffat Sultana channels the musical wisdom of 500 years and eleven generations of master musicians. The first woman in her family to sing in public, the musical maverick brings ecstatic Sufi singing that will move your heart and soul as well as your feet. Free. Reservations are not needed....
"From Tokyo Rose to the Patriot Act: Propaganda and its Impact on Civil Liberties"
Mar 12, 2005
In this second of a five-part seminar features Dr. Mitchell T. Maki, Acting Dean, College of Health and Human Services, California State University, Los Angeles, and author of Achieving the Impossible Dream: How Japanese Americans Obtained Redress, in conversation with noted scholars, activists, and artists as they respond to propaganda artifacts displayed in the exhibition Common Ground: The Heart of Community. This...
A Conversation with Velina Hasu Houston
Mar 06, 2005
In 1993, Velina Hasu Houston published the play Tea about five Japanese "war brides" who find themselves living in rural Kansas alongside their American GI husbands after World War II. Tea went on to become one of the most produced Asian American plays, shedding light on "the immigrant spirit that is the spine of America." As part of Women's History Month, Houston will revisit some of its groundbreaking themes and di...
International Nikkei Research Project Book Signing in San Francisco
Jul 13, 2002
Join us to celebrate the launching of two pioneering publications, New Worlds, New Lives: Globalization and People of Japanese Descent in the Americas and from Latin America in Japan and Encyclopedia of Japanese Descendants in the Americas: An Illustrated History of the Nikkei, based on the International Nikkei Research Project, a three-year collaborative project coordinated by the National Museum. Japanese Cultur...