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Pay What You Wish
May 28, 2016
JANM admission is "pay what you wish" this day in celebration of Go For Broke National Education Center’s homecoming celebration.
"Hello!" Exhibition Opening
Oct 11, 2014
Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty opens to the public.
Museums Free-For-All
Jan 25, 2014
FREE ADMISSION ALL DAY! Come join us as the Japanese American National Museum participates in the Museum Marketing Roundtable's ninth annual “Museums Free-For-All,” where museums across Southern California open their doors and invite visitors free of charge. More information visit The Museum Marketing Roundtable unites the diverse museums of Southern California in joint marketing and communica...
Dave Iwataki's J-Town/Bronzeville Suite @ The Getty Center
May 11, 2007
Filled with stunning music performed by stellar traditional Japanese and jazz musicians, the piece explores a fascinating and seldom told chapter of Los Angeles's history. While Japanese Americans were incarcerated, newly arrived African Americans from the South settled in Little Tokyo, where they remained until the war's end. The National Museum will co-present the piece in the Harold M. Williams Auditorium at the G...
Cold Tofu's Spectacular Salute to the Oscars
Feb 22, 2007
Our favorite improv troupe returns to the National Museum for an uproarious satire of the pomp (and sometimes pompous) and circumstance that is the Oscars. Cold Tofu is dedicated to promoting diverse images of Asian Pacific Americans through comedy and to developing multiethnic talent through education and performance. Click here to visit the Cold Tofu website!
U.S. 101 Photo Club Anniversary Showcase
Oct 08, 2004 - Oct 09, 2004
To celebrate their 25th anniversary, the U.S. 101 Photo Club will showcase their work as one of the original non-commercial photo clubs to document Nikkei history. Club members will be on hand throughout this three-day program to discuss historical and contemporary images of life in Little Tokyo and Los Angeles.
Family Sunday
Apr 14, 2002
Home Is Where the Heart Is Join the National Museum for a Family Sunday exploring the meaning of "home". Is it your family? Is it a place—your house or apartment? Is it the country in which you were born or the country where you live? Or is it something you carry inside of you, no matter where you are? Reading and Book Signing with Allen Say Our very special guest will be Allen Say, who has himself moved 37 tim...
Children's Taiko Workshop
Jun 30, 2001
Instructor: Masato Baba, lead instructor for the Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble An exciting introduction to taiko drumming for children covering basic concepts of form, stance, and rhythmic patterns, with one of the taiko community's most promising young musicians. No experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothes.
Japanese American National Museum Sets Outreach Activities In Atlanta, Texas
Apr 24, 1997
Continuing its national outreach activities, the Japanese American National Museum has organized receptions and programs in Atlanta and in Austin and Houston, Texas, beginning on Saturday, April 26 and running through the first weekend in May. Museum staff will attend the annual Association of American Museums (AAM) in Atlanta beginning Friday, April 25. Museum President and Executive Director Irene Hirano was...
Tanaka Studio Collection
(2007.61) This collection includes over 1,000 photographic negatives from Issei photographer Chikashi Tanaka (1888–1977). These photographs, taken for hundreds of clients, document the vibrant and deeply-rooted Japanese American community in Southern California during the prewar era. The original envelopes that stored each negative are also a part of this collection and provide additional information, including the n...