The Japanese American National Museum will present the exhibition, Akio Morita, this summer from July 13 - September 9, 2007. Developed by members of the Morita family, this exhibit commemorates the remarkable life and achievements of Mr. Akio Morita (1921-1999), co-founder of Sony Corporation.
As one of Sony's principal figures, Morita was known as an electronic innovator who changed the way the world sees, hears, plays, and explores music, movies, TV, and games. At the same time, Morita's efforts to produce closer ties between Japan and the rest of the world brought him international recognition and exerted a profound influence on global trade that lasts to this day.
Recognizing the historic and significant role played by Japanese Americans in U.S.-Japan relations, he stated in 1993 at the Los Angeles National Japanese American Conference, “We know and respect that you are Americans in every sense, but [I] cannot help but feel that in some way there is a heritage and culture that link us. This feeling of family is what drove me to become involved in the important work of this Museum in the first place.”
The forthcoming exhibition of Akio Morita, comprised of photographs, videos, artifacts, will give us insight into a devoted husband, father, internationalist and visionary genius—a great man of substance and courage who never lost his humility.
The Los Angeles presentation of Akio Morita was made possible, in part, by the support of The Siegfred & Betsy Kagawa Foundation, Yoshiko Morita, and William G. & Carol K. Ouchi.
Generous support was also provided by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, First Federal Financial, Sempra Energy, Sony Electronics Inc., The Pacific Bridge Companies, American Airlines, Igfy Corporation, and The New Otani Hotel & Garden Los Angeles.
Additional support was provided by Hiroko Onoyama Sugawara, Ted Tokio Tanaka Architects, and the Asia America Symphony Association. Media sponsors include the Los Angeles Downtown News, LA18 KSCI-TV, and The Rafu Shimpo.