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East West Players Writers Gallery Series: "Slants"

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East West Players Writers Gallery Series: "Slants"

Thursday Evening at the Museum Play Reading

The fourth play in this series is a reading of Hiro Kanegawa’s exciting play, Slants. Sunny, the lone Asian American student hanging with a bunch of frat boys, has her dorm room spray-painted with moronic racial epithets. She’d rather not know who did it. Free. Reservations required. Limited seating available.

Thursday, Mar 13, 1997

7:00 PM PST

Thursday Evening at the Museum Play Reading

The fourth play in this series is a reading of Hiro Kanegawa’s exciting play, Slants. Sunny, the lone Asian American student hanging with a bunch of frat boys, has her dorm room spray-painted with moronic racial epithets. She’d rather not know who did it. Free. Reservations required. Limited seating available.

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