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An Afternoon of Nagauta Shamisen Music

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An Afternoon of Nagauta Shamisen Music

Featuring Lillian Nakano, Madame Kikusa Katada and Tom Kurai
The National Museum presents the ninth in a series of shamisen performances by California Arts Council recipients and National Museum resident artist Lillian Nakano. Special guest artists will perform the traditional Kabuki Hayashi and traditional Japanese percussion music. The program is made possible through funding from the California Arts Council.

Saturday, Apr 27, 2002

1:30 PM PDT

Featuring Lillian Nakano, Madame Kikusa Katada and Tom Kurai
The National Museum presents the ninth in a series of shamisen performances by California Arts Council recipients and National Museum resident artist Lillian Nakano. Special guest artists will perform the traditional Kabuki Hayashi and traditional Japanese percussion music. The program is made possible through funding from the California Arts Council.

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