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Lectures & Discussions

Japan's Hidden Treasures

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Lectures & Discussions

Japan's Hidden Treasures

Join us for a slide presentation and Q & A about Japan's Hidden Treasures.

Reservations required: 213.830.5676.

NEW! Smithsonian Journeys Travel Program open to all National Museum members
Japan’s Hidden Treasures • November 6–18, 2008

Travel to Japan with Smithsonian guest lecturers and fellow National Museum members. For an itinerary, pricing, and Reservations, call 213.830.5676.

For a complete itinerary:

Save the date
Spirit of Washington, D.C. • April 16–20, 2009

Thursday, May 22, 2008

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT

Join us for a slide presentation and Q & A about Japan's Hidden Treasures.

Reservations required: 213.830.5676.

NEW! Smithsonian Journeys Travel Program open to all National Museum members
Japan’s Hidden Treasures • November 6–18, 2008

Travel to Japan with Smithsonian guest lecturers and fellow National Museum members. For an itinerary, pricing, and Reservations, call 213.830.5676.

For a complete itinerary:

Save the date
Spirit of Washington, D.C. • April 16–20, 2009

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