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Lectures & Discussions

Soldiers of Conscience

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Lectures & Discussions

Soldiers of Conscience

Can American soldiers be ordered to participate in military actions which they believe are morally wrong?

Japanese American World War II military resisters and a diverse number of American Iraq War resisters were punished by military authorities for their answers to this question.

Dr. Shirley Castelnuovo will talk about her new book, Soldiers of Conscience: Japanese American Military Resisters in World War II, which explores this question and be available for book signing. Dr. Castelnuovo will also moderate a conversation with Iraq military resisters and World War II Japanese American military resister, Cedrick Shimo.

Saturday, Nov 01, 2008

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT

Can American soldiers be ordered to participate in military actions which they believe are morally wrong?

Japanese American World War II military resisters and a diverse number of American Iraq War resisters were punished by military authorities for their answers to this question.

Dr. Shirley Castelnuovo will talk about her new book, Soldiers of Conscience: Japanese American Military Resisters in World War II, which explores this question and be available for book signing. Dr. Castelnuovo will also moderate a conversation with Iraq military resisters and World War II Japanese American military resister, Cedrick Shimo.

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