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Film Screenings

Summer Film Festival: "Bento to Mixed Plate: Politics of Plate Lunch"

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Film Screenings

Summer Film Festival: "Bento to Mixed Plate: Politics of Plate Lunch"

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center, the National Museum will continuously screen Bento to Mixed Plate: Politics of Plate Lunch.

Politics of Plate Lunch is a penetrating yet tender look beneath the “island paradise” stereotype to explore the inter-ethnic and generational complexities of contemporary Hawai‘i.

20 min.

This special showing will be screened at the Terasaki Orientation Theater.

Thursday, Jul 02 - Sunday, Jul 12, 2009

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center, the National Museum will continuously screen Bento to Mixed Plate: Politics of Plate Lunch.

Politics of Plate Lunch is a penetrating yet tender look beneath the “island paradise” stereotype to explore the inter-ethnic and generational complexities of contemporary Hawai‘i.

20 min.

This special showing will be screened at the Terasaki Orientation Theater.

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