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Film Screenings

ID Film Festival Centerpiece Film: Air Doll

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Film Screenings

ID Film Festival Centerpiece Film: Air Doll

The third annual ID Film Festival showcases films by Asian Pacific Islander (API) filmmakers for API filmmakers.

Air Doll , directed by Hirokazu Koreeda, is acclaimed Japanese director Koreeda's magical realist Cannes entry about a life-size blow-up doll developing a soul and falling in love with a video store clerk.

$5.00 for members; $10 for non-members for each program.

For tickets or for more information, go to the festival website

Saturday, Oct 09 - Sunday, Oct 10, 2010

The third annual ID Film Festival showcases films by Asian Pacific Islander (API) filmmakers for API filmmakers.

Air Doll , directed by Hirokazu Koreeda, is acclaimed Japanese director Koreeda's magical realist Cannes entry about a life-size blow-up doll developing a soul and falling in love with a video store clerk.

$5.00 for members; $10 for non-members for each program.

For tickets or for more information, go to the festival website

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