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Special Events

Museums Free-For-All

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Special Events

Museums Free-For-All


Come join us as the Japanese American National Museum participates in the Museum Marketing Roundtable's ninth annual “Museums Free-For-All,” where museums across Southern California open their doors and invite visitors free of charge.

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The Museum Marketing Roundtable unites the diverse museums of Southern California in joint marketing and communication efforts to increase visitation and membership in museums in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Museum Marketing Roundtable leverages the museums’ collective strengths, working together to reach current and potential museum goers.

Saturday, Jan 25, 2014

12:00 AM PST


Come join us as the Japanese American National Museum participates in the Museum Marketing Roundtable's ninth annual “Museums Free-For-All,” where museums across Southern California open their doors and invite visitors free of charge.

More information visit

The Museum Marketing Roundtable unites the diverse museums of Southern California in joint marketing and communication efforts to increase visitation and membership in museums in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Museum Marketing Roundtable leverages the museums’ collective strengths, working together to reach current and potential museum goers.

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