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Workshops & Classes

TAIKOPROJECT Summer Intensive

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Workshops & Classes

TAIKOPROJECT Summer Intensive

Friday–Monday, July 17–20, 2015

This intensive weekend workshop for advanced taiko players is the first of its kind in Los Angeles. Delving into various techniques, TAIKOPROJECT will inspire participants from all over the world with its unique and innovative approach to the Japanese American art form.

Topics to be covered include odaiko (big drum), multi-drum set technique, katsugi okedo (sling drum), hip-hop taiko, and Many Sides double-drum playing.

For ages 14 and up, 2–5 years of taiko experience recommended. Visit for more details and to register.

Friday, Jul 17 - Monday, Jul 20, 2015

Friday–Monday, July 17–20, 2015

This intensive weekend workshop for advanced taiko players is the first of its kind in Los Angeles. Delving into various techniques, TAIKOPROJECT will inspire participants from all over the world with its unique and innovative approach to the Japanese American art form.

Topics to be covered include odaiko (big drum), multi-drum set technique, katsugi okedo (sling drum), hip-hop taiko, and Many Sides double-drum playing.

For ages 14 and up, 2–5 years of taiko experience recommended. Visit for more details and to register.

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