Members Only
Members' Preview Day and Reception: "Making Waves" and "Two Views"

Members Only
Members' Preview Day and Reception: "Making Waves" and "Two Views"
The museum’s two new temporary exhibitions—Making Waves: Japanese American Photography, 1920–1940 and Two Views: Photographs by Ansel Adams and Leonard Frank—will be open only to JANM members, who are invited to have an exclusive first look before they open to the public on February 28.
Remarks by Making Waves curator Dennis Reed at 2 p.m. followed by a book signing. Light dessert reception from 3 p.m.
RSVP by February 19 to specialevents@janm.org or 213.625.0414, ext. 2222.
Photo: Asahachi Kono, Pond Fantasy, c. 1930. Collection of the Kono family.