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Special Events

Okaeri 2016: A Nikkei LGBTQ Gathering

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Special Events

Okaeri 2016: A Nikkei LGBTQ Gathering

Friday, October 14 – Saturday, October 15

Following the historic launch of Okaeri: A Nikkei LGBTQ Gathering in 2014, JANM is proud to host the group’s second conference in 2016.

While the Nikkei community has been a comforting home for many, too many LGBTQ Japanese Americans are estranged from their families and face discrimination. The goal of Okaeri, which means “welcome home” in Japanese, is to support, educate, advocate, and connect so that everyone in the community feels included and welcome. Workshops and plenaries will focus on family acceptance, mental health, transgender education, being a straight ally, building the movement both within and outside of the Nikkei community, and much more. Social and networking opportunities will also be provided.

Okaeri 2016 is a space for LGBTQ Nikkei and their families and allies to connect with each other; find support, resources and information; and learn how other Nikkei have embraced their LGBTQ family members and friends.

For information and to register, visit the Eventbrite page.

Read an interview with Okaeri lead organizer Marsha Aizumi >>

Friday, Oct 14 - Saturday, Oct 15, 2016

Friday, October 14 – Saturday, October 15

Following the historic launch of Okaeri: A Nikkei LGBTQ Gathering in 2014, JANM is proud to host the group’s second conference in 2016.

While the Nikkei community has been a comforting home for many, too many LGBTQ Japanese Americans are estranged from their families and face discrimination. The goal of Okaeri, which means “welcome home” in Japanese, is to support, educate, advocate, and connect so that everyone in the community feels included and welcome. Workshops and plenaries will focus on family acceptance, mental health, transgender education, being a straight ally, building the movement both within and outside of the Nikkei community, and much more. Social and networking opportunities will also be provided.

Okaeri 2016 is a space for LGBTQ Nikkei and their families and allies to connect with each other; find support, resources and information; and learn how other Nikkei have embraced their LGBTQ family members and friends.

For information and to register, visit the Eventbrite page.

Read an interview with Okaeri lead organizer Marsha Aizumi >>

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