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Workshops & Classes

CANCELLED: From Moth to Cloth

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Workshops & Classes

CANCELLED: From Moth to Cloth


Saturday–Sunday, June 23–24
11 a.m.–4 p.m. (both days)

Join Glennis Dolce for a two-day workshop exploring the making of silk handkerchiefs (mawata) from silkworm cocoons. Reel your own thread, then use it in craft projects. Video from Dolce’s recent trip to Japan will also be shown. Bring scissors and a seam ripper.

$72 members, $90 non-members, plus $40 materials fee due to instructor at beginning of class (cash only). Limited to 20 participants. Museum admission included.

In the Koichi & Toyo Nerio Education Center

Saturday, Jun 23 - Sunday, Jun 24, 2018


Saturday–Sunday, June 23–24
11 a.m.–4 p.m. (both days)

Join Glennis Dolce for a two-day workshop exploring the making of silk handkerchiefs (mawata) from silkworm cocoons. Reel your own thread, then use it in craft projects. Video from Dolce’s recent trip to Japan will also be shown. Bring scissors and a seam ripper.

$72 members, $90 non-members, plus $40 materials fee due to instructor at beginning of class (cash only). Limited to 20 participants. Museum admission included.

In the Koichi & Toyo Nerio Education Center

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