By the Shore of Lake Michigan with Nancy Matsumoto  book cover

Lectures & Discussions

JANM Book Club: By the Shore of Lake Michigan with Nancy Matsumoto

By the Shore of Lake Michigan with Nancy Matsumoto  book cover

Lectures & Discussions

JANM Book Club: By the Shore of Lake Michigan with Nancy Matsumoto

Celebrate National Poetry Month with By the Shore of Lake Michigan, a collection of tanka poetry originally published in 1960 by Issei immigrants, Tomiko and Ryokuyo Matsumoto. Join Nancy Matsumoto, the book’s editor and the granddaughter of Tomiko and Ryokuyo, as she dives into conversation about this new book with editors Mariko Aratani and Kyoko Miyabe and Eri F. Yasuhara, dean emerita of the College of Arts and Letters at California State University San Bernardino.

By the Shore of Lake Michigan is a rare and frank account of the tumultuous events of World War II and its aftermath. From the Masumotos’ incarceration at the Heart Mountain concentration camp to their postwar resettlement in Chicago, their reflections are expressed in the oldest and most widely practiced genre of Japanese poetry today. Tanka poetry was an important outlet for Issei immigrants to capture feelings of loss, dislocation, shame, and trauma that they experienced before, during, and after World War II. They often gathered in after-work poetry salons to discuss and share their work with others.

The JANM Book Club is a series of Public Programs that highlights new publications by Japanese Americans or related to Japanese American history and culture.

By the Shore of Lake Michigan is available at the JANM Store.

$5 General, Free for Youth (under 18), JANM Members

Sunday, Apr 27, 2025

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM PDT

Japanese American National Museum

100 North Central Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Celebrate National Poetry Month with By the Shore of Lake Michigan, a collection of tanka poetry originally published in 1960 by Issei immigrants, Tomiko and Ryokuyo Matsumoto. Join Nancy Matsumoto, the book’s editor and the granddaughter of Tomiko and Ryokuyo, as she dives into conversation about this new book with editors Mariko Aratani and Kyoko Miyabe and Eri F. Yasuhara, dean emerita of the College of Arts and Letters at California State University San Bernardino.

By the Shore of Lake Michigan is a rare and frank account of the tumultuous events of World War II and its aftermath. From the Masumotos’ incarceration at the Heart Mountain concentration camp to their postwar resettlement in Chicago, their reflections are expressed in the oldest and most widely practiced genre of Japanese poetry today. Tanka poetry was an important outlet for Issei immigrants to capture feelings of loss, dislocation, shame, and trauma that they experienced before, during, and after World War II. They often gathered in after-work poetry salons to discuss and share their work with others.

The JANM Book Club is a series of Public Programs that highlights new publications by Japanese Americans or related to Japanese American history and culture.

By the Shore of Lake Michigan is available at the JANM Store.

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