Past Exhibition

JANM’s DiscoverNikkei.org website is a treasure trove of materials and resources on Nikkei (Japanese emigrants and their descendants) life, history, culture, and community around the world. It is a community-based project that partners with organizations and individuals throughout the Americas to share Nikkei-related community and personal stories, events, and more in four languages—English, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Check out the video interview clips and articles about George Takei on Discover Nikkei below.
March 12 - August 20, 2017
Japanese American National Museum
JANM’s DiscoverNikkei.org website is a treasure trove of materials and resources on Nikkei (Japanese emigrants and their descendants) life, history, culture, and community around the world. It is a community-based project that partners with organizations and individuals throughout the Americas to share Nikkei-related community and personal stories, events, and more in four languages—English, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Check out the video interview clips and articles about George Takei on Discover Nikkei below.
March 12 - August 20, 2017
Japanese American National Museum
JANM’s DiscoverNikkei.org website is a treasure trove of materials and resources on Nikkei (Japanese emigrants and their descendants) life, history, culture, and community around the world. It is a community-based project that partners with organizations and individuals throughout the Americas to share Nikkei-related community and personal stories, events, and more in four languages—English, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Check out the video interview clips and articles about George Takei on Discover Nikkei below.
Learn more about George Takei on Discover Nikkei

George Takei Interview
Watch clips from a 2015 video interview.

George Takei is the Energizer Bunny of the JA community
Instead of fading into pop culture history after the Star Trek movies, George Takei has reinvented himself in both politics and pop culture, and today he’s hands-down the best-known and influential Asian American and an activist for human rights. (2017)

Distinguished Medal of Honor for Lifetime Achievement and Public Service: George Takei
George Takei’s public service efforts have reached far and wide, embracing a variety of communities, while deeply impacting the Japanese American community. He was honored by JANM in 2015.

To Be Takei
Imagine—a musical about the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans? Actor, activist, and media personality George Takei has had an interesting life and as a “media superstar,” he continues his ambitious work on behalf of Japanese Americans/Japanese Canadians inspiring a new generation to ask questions. (2014)

George Takei’s Allegiance Is a Timely Historical Musical For Today
George Takei makes his Broadway debut in Allegiance, which tells the story of Japanese American incarceration during World War II and is inspired by the experience of his own family as a child. (2015)

It's National Coming Out Day!—October 11
When I was looking around for famous LGBT Japanese Americans to mention when I came out to my parents, George Takei was the only one I came up with. (2014)
Support the understanding and appreciation of the Japanese American experience.