Listed below are the names of the heroes featured in the Transcendients: Heroes at Borders exhibition. Click on their names to learn more about each hero.
Kim Abeles
Artist and professor
Manal J. Aboeleta
Public health advocate
The Accomplices—Mike Sonksen, Peter Woods, Chiwan Choi
Independent Publishing Collective
Bernice Akamine
Artist, community activist, and ancestral historian
Susan B. Anthony
Social reformer and women’s rights activist, especially regarding suffrage and the passing of the 19th Amendment
Betto Arcos
Broadcast journalist
Jacob Bender
Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations (Philadelphia Chapter)
Lauren Bon
Artist and philanthropist
Father Greg Boyle
Jesuit priest and founder, Homeboy Industries
Jeff Chang
Author, journalist, and hip-hop historian
Cesar Chavez
Civil rights leader, Latino and farm labor activist, community organizer, champion of nonviolent social change, and cultural icon
Nalleli Cobo
Co-founder, South L.A. Youth Leadership Coalition
Leonard Cohen
Canadian singer/songwriter, poet, artist, and novelist whose work explored subjects from depression to sexuality, loss, religion, politics, death, and pacifism
Robbie Conal
Painter and prominent street artist
Patrisse Cullors
Co-founder, Black Lives Matter Global Network; founder/chair, Dignity and Power Now and Reform L.A. Jails
Kamau Daáood
Poet, musician, curator, and educator
Zackary Drucker
Multimedia artist and television producer
East Los Streetscapers
Muralists and public art makers
Rudy Espinoza
Executive Director, Inclusive Action for the City
Ron Finley
Artist, Gangsta Gardener, and community leader
Rabbi Susan Goldberg
Congregational leader, Nefesh (Los Angeles)
Gilda Haas
Co-founder, Strategic Actions for a Just Economy
Lisa Harper
Author; founder and president, Freedom Road
Aziza Hasan
Executive Director, NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Partnership for Change
Lena Horne
Iconic singer, dancer, actress, and noted civil rights and anti-segregation activist who self-funded integrated USO tours and worked with Eleanor Roosevelt on anti-lynching laws
Satsuki Ina
Writer, filmmaker, and therapist
Helen Keller
Author and activist for women’s suffrage, labor rights, social justice, and peace; the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree
traci kato-kiriyama
Performer and principal writer of PULLproject Ensemble and Director/co-founder of Tuesday Night Project
Daniel Dae Kim
Actor, director, and producer
Martin Luther King Jr.
Nobel Peace Prize winning Baptist minister and visionary civil rights, social justice, voting rights and anti-war activist; proponent of nonviolence and civil disobedience
David Kipen
Literary critic and founder, Libros Schmibros Bookstore and Lending Library
Evan Kleiman
Radio host, restaurateur, chef, author
Yuri Kochiyama
Civil rights and peace activist, colleague of Malcolm X, advocate for marginalized and underservrd communities, political prisoners, nuclear disarmament, and reparations for incarcerated Japanese Americans
Fred Korematsu
Activist known for the landmark Japanese American civil rights lawsuit that bears his name, challenging in the Supreme Court the Executive Order that allowed for mass incarceration
Hirokazu Kosaka
Buddhist priest and master artist
DJ Kurs
Artistic Director, Deaf West Theatre
Queen Lili‘uokalani
First queen and last sovereign monarch of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i before 1893 overthrow, who spent her life petitioning to have the islands’ sovereignty restored
Andy Lipkis
Founder, TreePeople
Adonia E. Lugo, Ph.D.
Co-founder, People for Mobility Justice
Lewis MacAdams
Poet, journalist, and co-founder, Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR)
John Malpede
Performance artist and founder, Los Angeles Poverty Development
Robert Mapplethorpe
Photographer best known for his intimate portraits, still lifes, and controversial sex-forward self-portraits, whose images of New York City gay culture fueled a national debate on arts funding
Ima Matul
Survivor Coordinator, Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
Russell Means
Actor, author, performer, and activist who led the American Indian Movement (AIM) and has attracted national and international media and government attention to the struggles of indigenous peoples around the world
Harvey Milk
American politician who was the first openly gay elected official in California, and indeed the United States, later assassinated
Dale Minami
Attorney and senior counsel at Minami Tamaki
Nobuko Miyamoto
Performing artist and founder, Great Leap
Rick Nahmias
Writer, photographer, and founder, Food Forward
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Pulitzer Prize–winning writer
Ara Oshagan
Artist, author, curator, and community activist
Maya Paley
Co-founder, Change the Talk (National Council of Jewish Women)
Rosa Parks
Civil rights activist who sparked the Montgomery bus boycott, later honored by Congress as “the First Lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement” in America
Jonathan Ryan
Executive Director, Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)
Angelica Salas
Executive Director, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
Hadi Salehi
Photographer and humanitarian
Rev. Alexia Salvatierra
Faith-based immigration advocacy
Nandita Sharma
Professor of Racism, Migration, and Transnationalism in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Johng Ho Song
Executive Director, Koreatown Youth and Community Center
George Takei
Actor, author, and activist
Nainoa Thompson
Native Hawaiian navigator and President, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Haunani Trask
Artist and social activist, Hawaiian Studies
Lula & Erwin Washington
Co-founders, Lula Washington Contemporary Dance Foundation
Bill Watanabe
Founding Executive Director, Little Tokyo Service Center
Lisa Watson
CEO, Downtown Women’s Center
Carol Wells
Founder and Director, Center for the Study of Political Graphics
Kristi Yamaguchi
Olympic gold medalist, author, and literacy activist