
rendering of people looking up at posters hanging from ceiling

Secure JANM’s future by endowing core functions ($20 million).

Like all cultural institutions, JANM relies on a combination of earned and contributed revenue streams to fund its annual operations. Your gift can make a significant impact on JANM now and in the future.

Endowment is a pivotal third tool that provides a stable revenue stream from investment earnings in perpetuity. Our current endowment supports only four percent of the annual operating budget. In contrast, most major museums have an endowment that supports approximately thirty percent of their budgets. In order to secure our future and ensure that we are able to fulfill our mission no matter the external budgetary pressures, we seek to raise at least $20 million in endowment support.

Your contribution will help ensure that our core work is visible and relevant for generations to come.



Please contact our Development Office to learn about ways to give:

Phone: 213.830.5646