2025 Nikkei Community Internship (NCI)
P/T Non-exempt Internship
Discover Nikkei
Position Summary:
JANM’s Discover Nikkei project is partnering with the Japanese American Bar Association (JABA) to host an intern this summer through the Nikkei Community Internship program.
This is a paid, 8-week, full-time internship experience. Participants have the opportunity to intern in Southern California through Kizuna, or Northern California through the Japanese Community Youth Council (JCYC) and Japantown Community Congress of San Jose (JCCSJ).
For the Discover Nikkei/JABA intern, we are seeking someone based in Southern California who can help share community stories while also being introduced to the day-to-day practice of different fields of law. They will interview a pioneering Nikkei judge or lawyer, write several articles, and meet with various JABA attorneys and judges. The intern will also meet weekly with Kizuna for community and leadership training and networking.
The intern must apply directly to the Nikkei Community Internship program. Each intern will receive a stipend upon completion of the program. (All interns, regardless of location, receive the same stipend.)
Internship dates: June 16 - August 8, 2025
*There is no cost or application fee to participate in NCI.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
For the Discover Nikkei/JABA internship, we are seeking someone who is interested in pursuing law and sharing community stories. Ideal candidate is a strong writer and communicator, self-starter, organized, and is detail oriented. Ability to multi-task and prioritize. Ability to work well under pressure to meet deadlines. Strong proofreading skills. Professional phone and email manner is essential. Ability to plan and manage tasks according to firm deadlines, clearly communicate delays, and respond to request in a timely manner. Demonstrated commitment and flexibility in order to ensure a high level of quality service. Ability to adjust and provide appropriate action when unanticipated need arises. Knowledge of Japanese American history and culture and experience with interviewing is a plus.
The intern will be working one day a week on-site at JANM, will spend one day a week with Kizuna at their office and visiting community organizations, and meeting with various attorneys and judges around Southern California and virtually. Other days will be spent working remotely.
Reports To: Vicky Murakami-Tsuda, Digital Program Manager
Positions Supervised: none