Chris Komai - - 213-830-5648

America's Concentration Camps: Remembering the Japanese American Experience
Events In New York, March-April 1998
“COMING TO TERMS: The Impact of World War II on American Jews and Japanese Americans Today”
Sunday, March 29, 1998
1 p.m.–5 pm
New York University
Law Library – Greenberg Lounge
This public program brings the American Jewish and Japanese American communities together in an examination of the history of each group in relation to World War II. The audience will be engaged in a discussion of how acts of memory and the process of healing shape and re-shape individual and collective identities.
Panelists include:
Norman Mineta, former U.S. Congressman and Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Lockheed Martin
Setsuko Nishi, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College
Egon Mayer, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College
Henry Feingold, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History at Baruch College, City University of New York Graduate Center
This program is co-sponsored by the Japanese American National Museum, the Asian/Pacific/American Studies Institute of New York University and the Department of Hebrew & Judaic Studies at New York University. Funding for this and other public programs comes from the generous support of the Nathan Cummings Foundation.
All Camp Reunion
Saturday, April 4, 1998
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
2 p.m.–4 p.m.
This program will provide visitors and audience members with an opportunity to learn first-hand of the personal experiences of those who were incarcerated in one of 10 WRA camps as well as other detention centers, including Ellis Island. Former inmates will be encouraged to “register” in the camp album and participate in the exhibit by telling their own story to visitors in attendance.
More programs are being planned. If you’d like to help out on one or more of these public programs, contact Lillian Kimura at 973.680.1441 or Cayleen Nakamura at 213.625.0414 ext. 243.
“Asian Financial Crisis: A View From Capitol Hill”
Friday, April 3, 1998
12 p.m.–2 p.m.
Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
Asia’s financial downturn and Japan’s struggling economy continues to capture the interest of Wall Street. U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye will provide a glimpse into the Congressional perspective of the recent developments in Japan and Asia and the impact these developments have on American businesses. A special offer is being extended to Museum members. Luncheon tickets are $25, non-members are $45. For more information on the program and to order tickets, contact Jeff Thompson at 212.715.1244.
This program is co-sponsored by the Japan Society, New York and the Japanese American National Museum.
Thursday, April 2, 1998
6:15 p.m.–8 p.m.
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
This special preview reception is for Museum members and supporters to see the exhibit before it opens to the public on Friday, April 3rd. For more information and/or to receive an invitation, please call 800.461.5266 and ask for ext. 235.
If you are interested in becoming a community docent volunteer for the exhibit, plan on attending one of the following training dates:
Thursday, April 2, 1998 from 2 p.m.–4 p.m. (preceding the Members’ preview reception)
Saturday, April 4, 1998 from 10 p.m.–12 p.m.. (before the All Camp Reunion public program)
For more information and details, contact Steve Nagata at 212.353.9146 or Cayleen Nakamura at 213.625.0414 ext. 243.