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Seven Gifts from L.A. Kitchens to the World
Jun 06, 2015
The first European settlers in the Los Angeles area ignored the native food culture, but every wave of immigrants after that fused their cooking with the cultures that were already here. People from France, Italy, China, Mexico, Japan, Thailand, Korea, and other nations initially tried to recreate their home dishes here, but in time developed unique fusions that have become part of our shared national heritage. Cu...
"Common Ground" Exhibition Tour
Jun 06, 2015
Tour the ongoing exhibition Common Ground: The Heart of Community with JANM’s knowledgeable docents. Free with museum admission.
Jun 02, 2015
The Japanese American National Museum (JANM) will open two new exhibitions in July—one showcasing the photographs of a Japanese American World War II veteran and the other an exploration of Okinawan and Hawaiian identity through paintings and photographs. Both will be included with general admission to the museum and will be on view through September 6, 2015. Opening to the public on July 14, Before They Were ...
Good-bye, "Hello!" Complimentary Breakfasts
May 31, 2015
Saturdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30 Sundays, May 10, 17, 24, 31 Make the most of your membership privileges! JANM members are invited to celebrate the final month of Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty with free light refreshments, served during exclusive members’ viewing hours.
Exhibition Closing: "Hello!"
May 31, 2015
Your last chance to see the Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty before it closes!
Hello Kitty Crochet Workshop
May 30, 2015
This program is sold out. Learn the art of amigurumi (miniature toy crochet) and make your own Hello Kitty charm. Ages 14 and up, all skill levels welcome. $36 members, $45 non-members. Materials and museum admission are included. Limited to 10 participants.
Little Tokyo Walking Tour
May 30, 2015
Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with JANM docents. $12 members, $15 non-members. Admission to Common Ground: The Heart of Community included. Comfortable walking shoes recommended. Weather permitting.
Good-bye, "Hello!" Complimentary Breakfasts
May 30, 2015
Saturdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30 Sundays, May 10, 17, 24, 31 Make the most of your membership privileges! JANM members are invited to celebrate the final month of Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty with free light refreshments, served during exclusive members’ viewing hours.
Edible Adventures: Vegetarian Little Tokyo Walk
May 30, 2015
Learn about the role Japanese produce farmers played in the early days of Little Tokyo while sampling vegetables such as kabocha (winter squash), konnyaku (yam cake), and edamame (soybeans) from neighborhood shops. $40 members, $50 non-members. Nibbles and admission to Common Ground: The Heart of Community included; lunch stop is extra. Limited to 15 participants. Comfortable walking shoes recommended. ...
Jul 24, 2008
The series, "Neglected Legacies: Japanese American Women and Redress", a collaboration between UCLA’s Asian American Studies Center and the Japanese American National Museum, concludes with its third public program, "Seeking Justice" set for Saturday, August 2, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Japanese American National Museum. This program will feature Karen Kai, Grace Shimizu and Professor Diane Fujino with the series or...