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2011 Oshogatsu Family Festival—Year of the Rabbit
Jan 02, 2011
FREE ADMISSION ALL DAY! Ring in the New Year and the Year of the Rabbit with fun arts ‘n crafts, cooking workshops, and exciting performances. 11:00 – 4:00 PM: Craft and other fun activities for the entire family: Happy New EAR! Make yourself some unique rabbit ears to celebrate the year of the rabbit! Put a whimsical spin on the new year by creating a fun pinwheel Toddler Room Ruthie’s ...
Zen Garage
Dec 30, 2010 - Feb 13, 2011
SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTGiant Robot and the Japanese American National Museum continues its Salon Pop series with Zen Garage, a concept display developed in collaboration with Eric Nakamura of Giant Robot.The concept of Zen has been thwarted by popular culture in the form of awkward connotations and new “urban” meanings. Its basic meaning in our new world is essentially a “pure focus.” Likewise, a garage is no longer just ...
A Special Performance of: "Paper Son"
Dec 18, 2010
Matinee Show at 2 p.m. / Evening Show at 6 p.m. Tickets: $20/members $25/non-members Celebrate the Seventh Anniversary of CAM with the West Coast return of Paper Son, a critically-acclaimed autobiographical solo show by writer/performer Byron Yee. Presented in partnership with community co-sponsors, the Japanese American National Museum and Visual Communications, Paper Son explores the issues of identity, immi...
Little Tokyo Walking Tour
Dec 18, 2010
Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with National Museum docents. $9 Members; $14 non-members, includes Museum admission. Comfortable walking shoes and clothes recommended. Weather permitting.
Target Free Family Saturday: Fold, Crease, and Crinkle
Dec 11, 2010
FREE ALL DAY! Enjoy a day of family fun with origami activities, workshops, and demonstrations. Generously sponsored by Target, these special Saturdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn, play, and grow together. ALL DAY CRAFT ACTIVITIES: Going green! Paper folding can be found all around you, sometimes in unexpected places! Make an origami creation using a variety of reu...
East West Players presents a reading of A WIDOW OF NO IMPORTANCE by Shane Sakhrani
Dec 09, 2010
Deepa has been a widow for a year. Her only desire is to see her daughter married so that she can die in peace. But when she starts receiving romantic advances from her recently divorced neighbor, also her son’s best friend, she starts to see the benefits of living.
The Politics of Fear and Persecution: Then and Now
Dec 07, 2010
6:30 PM Reception and Viewing of Exhibit 7:00-8:00 pm Panel Discussion and Q&A Join the ACLU of Southern California and the Japanese American National Museum for a panel discussion with Ahilan Arulanantham (ACLU/SC Director of Immigrant Rights and National Security), Mia Yamamoto (Criminal Defense Attorney who was born in a World War II internment camp), and Hussam Ayloush (Executive Director of the Council on Am...
Lecture: The Japanese American Family Today
Dec 04, 2010
Professor Arthur Sakamoto from the University of Texas, Austin will lead an informative talk on the sociology of the modern Japanese American family versus Japanese American families from the early 20th century.
Exhibition Tour: Common Ground
Dec 04, 2010
Tour our ongoing exhibition Common Ground: Heart of a Community with experienced docents.
Craft Class with Ruthie Kitagawa: Holiday Cards
Nov 27, 2010
Make holiday inspired cards for your friends and family. $9 members; $14 non-members, includes admission and supplies.