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Evening Champagne Tea Service & Poetry Performance with Mariko Kitakubo & Linda Galloway, Ph.D.
Jul 29, 2010
Thursday, July 22 & Thursday, July 29 5 PM-6 PM — Self-guided JANM Gallery Tour 6 PM -7 PM — Evening Champagne Tea Service 7 PM -8 PM — Poetry Performance Chado Tea Room at the Japanese American National Museum $20 Museum members; $ 25 non-members; $ 15 students In this rare bilingual Japanese-English appearance, leading tanka poet and Tokyo-based performance artist Mariko Kitakubo will present tanka ...
Bringing the Circle Together: From the Badlands to Alcatraz
Jul 24, 2010
Free Screening of From the Badlands to Alcatraz From the Badlands to Alcatraz weaves the past and present of both Alcatraz and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation into a vivid depiction of the awe-inspiring journey five Lakota youth Alkapoane White Calf, Lisa and Kelly Water, and Arlo and Philip Iron Cloud navigate as they arrive in San Francisco from South Dakota and prepare for the extreme challenge of swimming fr...
Special Screening of: A Crossroad Called Manzanar
Jul 24, 2010
*FREE! Months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, two best friends spend their final moments together, not realizing their lives will soon be forever changed by the incarceration of all Japanese and Japanese American living along the West Coast. A Crossroad Called Manzanar was awarded a grant in 2009 from the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program. Project partners include the Japanese Amer...
Evening Champagne Tea Service & Poetry Performance with Mariko Kitakubo & Linda Galloway, Ph.D.
Jul 22, 2010
Thursday, July 22 & Thursday, July 29 5 PM-6 PM — Self-guided JANM Gallery Tour 6 PM -7 PM — Evening Champagne Tea Service 7 PM -8 PM — Poetry Performance Chado Tea Room at the Japanese American National Museum $20 Museum members; $ 25 non-members; $ 15 students In this rare bilingual Japanese-English appearance, leading tanka poet and Tokyo-based performance artist Mariko Kitakubo will present tanka ...
Book Reading: "Kiyo’s Story" by Kiyo Sato
Jul 17, 2010
Kiyo’s Story is the compelling story of starting a family in California, coping during the Depression, being swept off to concentration camps, and ultimately surviving and succeeding despite terrible odds and oppressive prejudice. As a special bonus, Ms. Sato will be offering tips on how to write your own story! [Purchase a copy of Kiyo's Story at the Museum Store Online]
Target Free Family Saturday: On The Go!
Jul 17, 2010
FREE ALL DAY! Delight in a day of family fun at the National Museum. July’s theme is travel! Generously sponsored by Target, these special Saturdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn, play, and grow together. Media Sponsors: Los Angeles Downtown News, KSCI-TV LA-18, and The Rafu Shimpo ALL DAY CRAFT ACTIVITIES: Tag! You're it! Create a fun luggage tag to identify your bag...
Film Screening: "Calling Tokyo: Japanese American Radio Broadcasters of World War II"
Jul 10, 2010
Calling Tokyo tells the story of Japanese Americans who participated in the United States and Britain's World War II broadcast campaign to influence the hearts and minds of people in Japan. Some of the radio broadcasters will share their experiences after the screening. This is a story of discovery by a son, (Gary Ono) who learned about what his father did during the war, shortly after the signing of the 1988 Civ...
"Common Ground" Exhibition Tour
Jul 03, 2010
Tour our ongoing exhibition Common Ground: Heart of a Community with experienced docents.
Craft Class with Ruthie Kitagawa: Kusudama
Jun 26, 2010
Make kusudama (paper balls) inspired crafts for your friends and family. $9 members; $14 non-members, includes admission and supplies.
Photographic Exhibition “Kip Fulbeck: Part Asian, 100% Hapa” Explores Perceptions of Identity, Questions Notions of Race, Ethnicity
May 30, 2006
A remarkable set of photographs of individuals of multiracial heritage and their responses to the most common question asked of people of mixed-race background—“What are you?”—comprises the heart of the thought-provoking art exhibition, kip fulbeck: part asian, 100% hapa, which opens at the Japanese American National Museum on June 8 and runs through October 29, 2006. Three years ago, Fulbeck, who is an award-winn...