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Discovering Your Family Tree Workshop
Oct 27, 2002
Instructor: Chester Hashizume Discover your long-lost relatives and create your own family tree. This workshop will also teach you how to utilize family tree software programs for recording and maintaining your genealogy. $5 for National Museum members, $11 for non-members (includes Museum admission).
Craft Class with Ryoko Shibata: Sumi-e (Scenery)
Oct 26, 2002
Class fees are $5 for National Museum members and $11 for non-members, includes National Museum admission and supplies.
Fresh Words and Actions: Cold Tofu's Annual Halloween Show
Oct 24, 2002
Performing Arts Series Held Every Fourth Thursday Free Admission Trick or treat, smell our feet, our Halloween show is really neat! Ever wonder how Halloween came to be? Why we dress up in costumes and say, "trick or treat"? Is there really a Great Pumpkin? You may find out the possible answers to these questions at Cold Tofu's Annual Halloween show. Cold Tofu, the nation's first Asian American improvisation...
Eastside Revue: 1932-2002, A Musical Homage to Boyle Heights
Oct 12, 2002
Free concert in conjunction with the exhibition Boyle Heights: The Power of Place Join us for a special concert celebrating over half a century of musical history with legendary artists of the past and present who have placed their community and their music on top of the world's musical map. The rich and glorious tradition of Boyle Heights' music is a metaphor and microcosm of the American dream for an autonomous ...
Craft Class with Ryoko Shibata; Pop-up card making (Japanese Style)
Oct 12, 2002
Class fees are $5 for National Museum members and $11 for non-members, includes National Museum admission and supplies.
Opening of "From Bento Mixed Plate" at Niigata Prefectural Museum of History
Oct 12, 2002
Opening of the From Bento Mixed Plate: Americans of Japanese Ancestry in Multicultural Hawai'i exhibition at the Niigata Prefectural Museum of History in Nagaoka, Japan.
"Breaking the Silence: Daughters Unveil Their Father's WWII Experiences"
Oct 05, 2002
Film Screening, Reading, and Conversation with the Authors Featuring author Louise Steinman and journalist Wendy Hanamura, who will both talk about their motivations, struggles and discoveries as they went through the process of reconstructing their fathers' war experiences. Weaving together her father's letters from wartime—found after his death—with the story of her own journey, Steinman tells a compelling story...
UCLA Extension One-Day Program: Boyle Heights: The Power of Place
Oct 05, 2002
This one-day program brings together a panel of curators, designers, educators, and scholars to discuss the history and transformation of Boyle Heights, a longtime gateway for newcomers to Los Angeles. In addition, curators guide students through the exhibit's artifacts, photographs, original artwork, and interactive environments which present a multivocal interpretation of the neighborhood. Participants will also vi...
Craft Class with Ryoko Shibata: Japanese geta and zori
Sep 28, 2002
Learn how to make traditional Japanese wooden slippers for your dolls.
Fresh Words and Actions
Sep 26, 2002
Performance Arts Series Held Every Fourth Thursday Big Head is Denise Uyehara's latest work which links the memory of the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans with the present-day treatment of those suspected of being "the enemy". This interdisciplinary performance is inspired by letters her great uncle composed in 1942 on his twentieth birthday while incarcerated at Rohwer concentration camp in Arkansas...