Miné Okubo Collection
(2007.62) This online collection of 197 drawings by artist Miné Okubo (1912-2001) illustrates her life in the Tanforan assembly center in San Bruno, CA and the Topaz concentration camp in Utah during World War II. Okubo’s drawings served as the basis for her renowned book, Citizen 13660, which was printed in 1946 and was the first personal account published on the camp experience.
Related to this Collection
Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece
Items in this collection are featured in the exhibition Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece: The Art of Citizen 13660, on display at JANM August 28, 2021 – February 20, 2022.
Citizen 13660 Book
Purchase Miné Okubo’s Citizen 13660 at the JANM Store, as well as other related items!

Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece Activity Guide
This activity guide, designed to accompany Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece, engages the user with activities and prompts that encourage thoughtful reflection and art making inspired by JANM’s collection of Okubo’s illustrations.
This booklet was created for the in-gallery experience but can be used at home with the museum’s digital repository of Okubo’s work.

Behind the Art of Miné Okubo
Sharon Yamato interviewed the curator, Kristen Hayashi, for this article about the exhibition on Discover Nikkei.

The Highflying Artistry of Miné Okubo
Learn more about Miné Okubo’s postwar work and life in this Discover Nikkei article.