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"Toyotomi Blades" After Hours Book Party & Reception

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"Toyotomi Blades" After Hours Book Party & Reception

Featuring: Dale Furutani

The mystery continues as Ted Tanaka receives an invitation to appear on Japanese television because of the events found in the first book in the series, Death in Little Tokyo. While on his first trip to Japan, he stumbles across a legend involving six sword blades which, when fitted together, form a map pointing to a treasure hidden for almost 400 years. Unfortunately, Ken is not the only one to know about this legend, as two brutal murders prove.

Dale Furutani is the first Asian American nominated for a major mystery award, and Toyotomi Blades is the second novel in Dale’s mystery series. Fee includes an autographed copy of Toyotomi Blades, light reception, and live taiko drumming. Members $20 per couple, non-members $30 per couple. Call the Museum’s Public Programs office, ext. 344 for reservations which are required by October 1. Payment must be received in full to secure reservation.


7:00 PM PDT

Featuring: Dale Furutani

The mystery continues as Ted Tanaka receives an invitation to appear on Japanese television because of the events found in the first book in the series, Death in Little Tokyo. While on his first trip to Japan, he stumbles across a legend involving six sword blades which, when fitted together, form a map pointing to a treasure hidden for almost 400 years. Unfortunately, Ken is not the only one to know about this legend, as two brutal murders prove.

Dale Furutani is the first Asian American nominated for a major mystery award, and Toyotomi Blades is the second novel in Dale’s mystery series. Fee includes an autographed copy of Toyotomi Blades, light reception, and live taiko drumming. Members $20 per couple, non-members $30 per couple. Call the Museum’s Public Programs office, ext. 344 for reservations which are required by October 1. Payment must be received in full to secure reservation.


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