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Cuban Japanese Women: From a Nisei and Sansei Perspective

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Cuban Japanese Women: From a Nisei and Sansei Perspective

Featuring Margarita Iwasaky Cordero of Pinar del Rio, a Nisei who works in the public health field and Naiyu Yamaguchi Rodriguez of Camaguey, an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Camaguey. Join us for a unique opportunity to learn about the Japanese Cuban experience. Both speakers are representatives of the Society of Japanese in Cuba.


1:30 PM PDT

Featuring Margarita Iwasaky Cordero of Pinar del Rio, a Nisei who works in the public health field and Naiyu Yamaguchi Rodriguez of Camaguey, an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Camaguey. Join us for a unique opportunity to learn about the Japanese Cuban experience. Both speakers are representatives of the Society of Japanese in Cuba.

Co-Sponsored by NCRR, Asian Pacific Labor Alliance, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, Hapa Issues Forum, Great Leap, University of Southern California Program in American Studies and Ethnicity and the Japanese American Historical Society of Southern California


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