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Stone Bow Prayer by Amy Uyematsu

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Stone Bow Prayer by Amy Uyematsu

Sansei Amy Uyematsu's third collection of poetry, Stone Bow Prayer, profiles a woman whose life engages politics, her ancestry, and spirit. This beautiful collection is constructed as a Japanese Calendar—with bows to the Zen aesthetic.

Taiji Miyagawa will accompany Uyematsu's reading with acoustic bass. Book signing to follow.


2:00 PM PDT

Sansei Amy Uyematsu's third collection of poetry, Stone Bow Prayer, profiles a woman whose life engages politics, her ancestry, and spirit. This beautiful collection is constructed as a Japanese Calendar—with bows to the Zen aesthetic.

Taiji Miyagawa will accompany Uyematsu's reading with acoustic bass. Book signing to follow.

Co-sponsored, in part, by Pacific Asian American Women Writers West.


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