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1st & Central Summer Concerts: Okinawan Folk / Hawaiian / Taiko

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1st & Central Summer Concerts: Okinawan Folk / Hawaiian / Taiko

6:30 PM

1st & Central Summer Concerts at the
Japanese American National Museum


Haruo Ishihara Okinawan Folk Ensemble

Hawaii Music by Moana

Zenshuji Zendeko Taiko

The Japanese American National Museum's summer outdoor series continues with music from Okinawa, Hawaii, and the Continental United States. This free concert promises to be a great evening for families of all ages under the stars in Little Tokyo.

The 1st & Central Concert Series is sponsored, in part, by the Cultural Affairs Department, City of Los Angeles; the Los Angeles County Arts Commission; and the James Irvine Foundation. Media sponsors: KPFK 90.7 FM and the Los Angeles Downtown News.


6:30 PM PDT

6:30 PM

1st & Central Summer Concerts at the
Japanese American National Museum


Haruo Ishihara Okinawan Folk Ensemble

Hawaii Music by Moana

Zenshuji Zendeko Taiko

The Japanese American National Museum's summer outdoor series continues with music from Okinawa, Hawaii, and the Continental United States. This free concert promises to be a great evening for families of all ages under the stars in Little Tokyo.

The 1st & Central Concert Series is sponsored, in part, by the Cultural Affairs Department, City of Los Angeles; the Los Angeles County Arts Commission; and the James Irvine Foundation. Media sponsors: KPFK 90.7 FM and the Los Angeles Downtown News.


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