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Youth & Families

1st & Central Summer Concerts: Riffat Sultana & Party

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Youth & Families

1st & Central Summer Concerts: Riffat Sultana & Party

6:30 PM - Opening Act
7:00 PM - Featured Artists

Daughter of legendary Pakistani singer, Salamat Ali Khan, vocalist Riffat Sultana channels the musical wisdom of 500 years and eleven generations of master musicians. The first woman in her family to sing in public, the musical maverick brings ecstatic Sufi singing that will move your heart and soul as well as your feet.

Free. Reservations are not needed. Sponsored, in part, by the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Arts Commission, and the Irvine Foundation. Media sponsors: KFPK 90.7 FM and Downtown News.


6:30 PM PDT

6:30 PM - Opening Act
7:00 PM - Featured Artists

Daughter of legendary Pakistani singer, Salamat Ali Khan, vocalist Riffat Sultana channels the musical wisdom of 500 years and eleven generations of master musicians. The first woman in her family to sing in public, the musical maverick brings ecstatic Sufi singing that will move your heart and soul as well as your feet.

Free. Reservations are not needed. Sponsored, in part, by the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Arts Commission, and the Irvine Foundation. Media sponsors: KFPK 90.7 FM and Downtown News.


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