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When the Mango Hits the Fan: A Tag Team Poetry Read-off

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When the Mango Hits the Fan: A Tag Team Poetry Read-off

Celebrating Indivisible (U. Arkansas Press 2010), the first anthology of South Asian American poets, we'll be having a unique "read-off" featuring a team of contributors from the book and a team of Japanese American poets. Join us for this lively and hilarious tag team contest, as poets from the respective teams attempt to barter metaphors, and switch off line breaks. Just how much rice and mango imagery can you sustain in one afternoon?

The teams have just been announced...
Team 1:
Amy Uyematsu
Sesshu Foster
Karen Anhwei Lee
Viet Le

Team 2:
Pireeni Sundaralingam
Amar Ravva
Vandana Khanna
Bhargavi Mandava

For more information about Indivisible, visit:


2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM PST

Celebrating Indivisible (U. Arkansas Press 2010), the first anthology of South Asian American poets, we'll be having a unique "read-off" featuring a team of contributors from the book and a team of Japanese American poets. Join us for this lively and hilarious tag team contest, as poets from the respective teams attempt to barter metaphors, and switch off line breaks. Just how much rice and mango imagery can you sustain in one afternoon?

The teams have just been announced...
Team 1:
Amy Uyematsu
Sesshu Foster
Karen Anhwei Lee
Viet Le

Team 2:
Pireeni Sundaralingam
Amar Ravva
Vandana Khanna
Bhargavi Mandava

For more information about Indivisible, visit:


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