Arab Americans have been an integral part of the United States of America since its inception, contributing to our society in a myriad of ways, in particular in regard to public service. Patriots & Peacemakers: Arab Americans in Service to Our Country tells true stories of heroism and self-sacrifice that affirm the important role Arab Americans have played in our country throughout its history.
Patriots & Peacemakers highlights three specific areas of service: the U.S. Armed Forces, diplomatic service and the Peace Corps. Personal narratives highlight Arab American men and women of different national and religious backgrounds. The exhibition also asks visitors to consider how commitment to service impacts them in their daily lives.
Download the Patriots & Peacemakers brochure
View photos of the exhibition installed at JANM on our Facebook page
Created by the:
Patriots & Peacemakers: Arab Americans in Service to Our Country is made possible with major support provided by The Ford Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, The Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan, and Chevron.
Media Sponsors for the Los Angeles presentation:
9066 to 9/11: America’s Concentration Camps, Then...and Now?, a documentary produced by the Japanese American National Museum’s Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center in 2004, will be presented as a companion piece to the Patriots & Peacemakers exhibition. The film focuses on the parallels between the post-September 11 treatment of Arab Americans and Muslims in this country with treatment of Japanese Americans after the start of World War II.