即日発表 - 2003年02月01日
Chris Komai - ckomai@janm.org - 213-830-5648

Help us share the Japanese American story: National Day of Rememberance
The incarceration of over 120,000 Japanese Americans during WWII by their own government was unprecedented in U.S. history, yet is still unknown to many. To generate greater awareness of what was the largest constitutional violation of the 20th century, the Japanese American National Museum and the National Asian American Telecommunications Association (NAATA) are offering the award-winning TOYO MIYATAKE: INFINITE SHADES OF GRAY and the brand new WORDS, WEAVINGS & SONGS to public television stations across the country in commemoration of the National Day of Remembrance on February 19, 2003.
However, stations need to hear from their viewers in order to know there is an audience for these films or they won’t broadcast them. The lessons of the WWII incarceration have never been more relevant than today as our nation continues to grapple with important issues of civil liberties. Please help ensure that this critical episode of U.S. history is never forgotten and never repeated.
Call, write, or e-mail your local public television station to let them know you want to see TOYO MIYATAKE: INFINITE SHADES OF GRAY and WORDS, WEAVINGS & SONGS.
Help us share the Japanese American story with millions across the country. Stations are making their February 2003 broadcasting decisions right now. Please contact your local station by Friday, December 20th!