即日発表 - 2008年02月21日


Chris Komai - ckomai@janm.org - 213-830-5648



LOS ANGELES.—The Board of Trustees for the Japanese American National Museum named Dr. Akemi Kikumura Yano as the institution’s new Chief Executive Officer on February 1, 2008, because of her strong programmatic background and her extensive experience as someone who first joined the institution in 1987 and has worked as a curator, development officer and most recently as Senior Vice President.

Kikumura Yano assumes the role of CEO previously held by Irene Hirano, who was hired as the institution’s executive director in 1988. The Board of Trustees had been in discussions with Kikumura Yano since last year in preparation for her becoming the new CEO.

"We (the Trustees) had been considering the issue of succession with our leadership, staff and volunteers in our Museum long-term planning," explained Ernest Doizaki, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. "Since the Board oversees the CEO, we wanted to be prepared when the time came to hire someone to replace Irene. We feel very fortunate that Akemi, who started working for Museum over 20 years ago and has worked in several different areas, agreed to become the new CEO.

"The Museum is entering a new phase, where innovative events combined with core programs will be the key to attracting younger audiences. Akemi’s background as the one-time head of programming at the Museum made her the right person to lead the institution. Her experience with development and operations will allow for a smooth transition."

Kikumura Yano, who earned her Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of California at Los Angeles, was the curator of the National Museum’s inaugural exhibition, Issei Pioneers: Hawai`i and the Mainland, 1885-1924, which opened in 1992. An award-winning author, Kikumura Yano also served as Director of Research and International Relations and Vice President of Programs for the National Museum before becoming Senior Vice President.

"I am gratified that the Board of Trustees felt that I was right person for this position," Kikumura Yano stated. "Because Ernie and the Board have laid out a clear set of goals in the next few years and have personally committed to reaching those goals, I feel confidant that the National Museum will achieve the kind of financial security and outreach to new and younger audiences that they envision."

Kikumura Yano said that Miyoko Oshima, the institution’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), John Esaki, Director of Programs and newly appointed Vice President Yuko Kaifu, who directs programs related to U.S.-Japan relations, will make up her senior management team. The Museum also benefits from a significant number of staff members who have been part of the institution for 10 years or more, including Director of Community Relations Nancy Araki, the Japanese American National Museum’s first employee, Kikumura Yano pointed out.

The Japanese American National Museum was founded in 1985 and is a national private nonprofit museum dedicated to preserving and sharing the Japanese American experience as an integral part of U.S. history.