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"When Half is Whole" by Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu
"I listen and gather people's stories. Then I write them down in a way that I hope will communicate something to others, so that seeing these stories will give readers something of value. I tell myself that this isn't going to be done unless I do it, just because of who I am. It's a way of making my mark, leaving something behind...not that I'm planning on going anywhere right now." So explains Stephen Murphy-...
Indigo and Shibori in the 21st Century with Shibori Girl
2014年06月28日 - 2014年06月29日
Enjoy this 2-day workshop of indigo dyeing with a focus on learning how different textiles take to the dye. Your material kit, provided by instructor, will include many types of vintage kimono silks as well as cotton, bamboo, hemp, and other natural fibers. Many shibori techniques will be explored. Samples, books and videos will be on hand to inspire your indigo creativity! $70 members; $90 non-members. Addit. $4...
Little Tokyo Walking Tour
Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with Museum docents. $9 Members; $14 non-members, includes admission. Comfortable walking shoes recommended. Weather permitting.
Discover Nikkei Writing Workshop: Nikkei Names–Taro, John, Juan, João?
FREE What’s in a name? Discover Nikkei, a project of JANM, offers a free writing workshop to help you tell the rich stories hidden in your family name, your given name, and even your nickname. Participants will be encouraged to submit their creations to the Discover Nikkei website for inclusion in the Nikkei Names story collection. Submissions accepted June 1 – October 31, 2014. Additional free workshops in San...
The Japanese American National Museum (JANM) will continue its popular Target Free Family Saturdays series on July 12, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission to the museum is free all day, giving families the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities as well as view current exhibitions. July’s Target Free Family Saturday will be a celebration of the groundbreaking photographic exhibition, Perseverance: Japanese...
"Perseverance" Gallery Talk
Join Perseverance photographer/designer Kip Fulbeck and curator Takahiro Kitamura as they lead a gallery tour with special insight on the exhibition. RSVP early, 30 participants max. Read an article about curator Takahiro Kitamura on Discover Nikkei>> Read about photographer/designer Kip Fulbeck on Discover Nikkei>>
2014 V3 Digital Media Conference
In this 2-day conference, V3con will highlight and expand multi-platform Asian and Pacific Islander American communications by gathering online journalists, creative social media communicators, seasoned bloggers, and those interested in engaging on digital platforms for interactive panels and workshops. JANM members receive discounted registration. Visit to register. Presented by the Asian American ...
2014 V3 Digital Media Conference
2014年06月20日 - 2014年06月21日
In this 2-day conference, V3con will highlight and expand multi-platform Asian and Pacific Islander American communications by gathering online journalists, creative social media communicators, seasoned bloggers, and those interested in engaging on digital platforms for interactive panels and workshops. JANM members receive discounted registration. Visit to register. Presented by the Asian American ...
Target Free Family Saturdays: Imagination Storytime
FREE ALL DAY! Transport yourself into magical and faraway worlds through storybook readings and exciting performances! Come dressed as your favorite storybook character and receive a prize! (see below for rules) ALL-DAY ACTIVITIES: If you could build an imaginary place to live, what would it look like? Get creative with our construction materials and create your own dream home! Make and...
Mixed Remixed Festival
FREE! An exciting new festival, the Mixed Remixed Festival brings together film and book lovers to celebrate stories of multiracial, mixed and hapa individuals with workshops, readings, film screenings and live performances for the largest West Coast celebration of Loving Day. Check for details. #mixedremixed