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"Common Ground" Exhibition Tour
Tour our ongoing exhibition Common Ground: The Heart of Community with our knowledgeable Museum docents.
Los Angeles – The Japanese American National Museum is saddened by the passing of Karin Higa, former senior curator of art on Tuesday, October 29, following a battle with cancer. At the time, she was pursuing a Ph.D. in art history at USC. Karin was forty-seven. Karin was on the National Museum staff from 1992-2006 and oversaw numerous art exhibitions. She was known for elevating the level of professionalism, help...
Carlos Bulosan: The Writer Is Also a Citizen
FREE Poet, novelist, essayist, fiction writer, and labor organizer Carlos Bulosan (1913-1956) left the Philippines at age 17 to look for work in the United States. What he found was racism, low-paying jobs, and a brilliant and unexpected literary career. In conjunction with the closing of the banner exhibition I Want the Wide American Earth: An Asian Pacific American Story, whose title is taken from one of Bulosan...
"The Untold Story: The Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai'i"
Produced by the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i, The Untold Story is the first full-length documentary to chronicle the internment experience of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i. Q&A with filmmakers to follow screening. Read an article by director Ryan Kawamoto about the film on Discover Nikkei >>
Gallery Performance: "Our American Voice"
A two-person show exploring the diverse stories of Asian Pacific Americans. Presented in partnership with East West Players. By D’Lo, Vivian Keh-Hue, Giovanni Ortega, Jeanne Sakata and Ova Saopeng, Judy Soo Hoo Directed by Jennifer Chang Set Design by Clement Hanami Sound Design by Howard Ho Costume Design by Nancy Wei Prop Master Ayaka Ohwaki Stage Manager – Olivia Wafler CAST Traci Kato-Kiriyama Joh...
Little Tokyo Walking Tour
Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with Museum docents. $9 Members; $14 non-members, includes admission. Comfortable walking shoes recommended. Weather permitting.
A Conversation with Lela Lee
Lela Lee, author and artist of the comic book series, Angry Little Girls, will discuss her comics and their impact on Asian Americans and beyond. Purchase the Angry Little Girls books from the Museum Store >>
Gallery Performance: "Our American Voice"
A two-person show exploring the diverse stories of Asian Pacific Americans. Presented in partnership with East West Players. By D’Lo, Vivian Keh-Hue, Giovanni Ortega, Jeanne Sakata and Ova Saopeng, Judy Soo Hoo Directed by Jennifer Chang Set Design by Clement Hanami Sound Design by Howard Ho Costume Design by Nancy Wei Prop Master Ayaka Ohwaki Stage Manager – Olivia Wafler CAST Traci Kato-Kiriyama Joh...
Meet and Greet with Author & Artist Lela Lee
Members are invited to an exclusive opportunity to meet and talk with Lela Lee before her lecture and book signing. RSVP required to or (213) 625-0414 x2222.
Discovering Your Japanese American Roots with Chester Hashizume
A comprehensive workshop covering genealogy basics such as getting started, identifying your ancestral Japanese hometown, obtaining and utilizing family documents, and determining the meaning behind surnames and family crests--all the tools you need to discover your roots. $45 for members and $55 for non-members, includes materials and Museum admission. RSVP early, 10 students max.