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Little Tokyo Walking Tour
Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with National Museum docents. $9 Members; $14 non-members, includes Museum admission. Comfortable walking shoes and clothes recommended. Weather permitting.
Fighting For Democracy at Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site (Tuskegee, AL)
2009年07月25日 - 2010年01月10日
TRAVELING EXHIBITION Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site Tuskegee, Alabama About the Exhibition Through the diverse perspectives of seven ordinary citizens whose lives and communities were forever changed by World War II, this exhibition asks visitors to think critically about freedom, history, and, ultimately, the ongoing struggle to live democratically in a diverse America. Fighting For Democra...
"Nurse of Manzanar": Book Conversation and Self-Publishing Workshop
Come hear author Samuel Nakamura discuss his book, Nurse of Manzanar, which retells his mother’s life as a Japanese American nurse following the attack on Pearl Harbor. In addition, he will lead an informative workshop to help you publish your own book or novel!
Asian American Poetry Writing Presents: Creative Writing Classes
2009年07月18日 - 2009年08月22日
*PLEASE NOTE: That this class has been CANCELED Creative Writing Classes are for everyone from the curious person who has never written before to the closet writer who is looking to be published. $150 for six sessions. $125 for JANM members (Minimum 5 participants, maximum 12). Pre-registration is required. 1. Introduction to Reading and Writing Contemporary Poetry 2. Intermediate Fiction Writing with a foc...
Bringing the Circle Together: When your Hands are Tied
Free Screening of When your Hands are Tied Since native youth do not often see reflections of themselves or their communities in mainstream media, When your Hands are Tied explores and documents native young people and role models who are finding exciting and positive ways to direct their lives through self-motivation in combination with traditional teachings to help prepare for the challenges of everyday life. Sp...
Summer Film Festival: "Top of Their Game"
2009年07月16日 - 2009年07月31日
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center, the National Museum will continuously screen Top of Their Game. Top of Their Game profiles Japanese American athletes from three generations and nine different sports. Interviews, historical images and action footage reveal the behind-the-scenes stories of those who have risen to the “top of their game.” Featured are Kristi Yama...
"Common Ground" Exhibition Tour
Tour our ongoing exhibition Common Ground: Heart of a Community with experienced docents.
Target Free Family Saturday: Books Galore!
FREE ALL DAY Come and explore with us the wonderful world of Asian American and Japanese American books. Generously sponsored by Target, these special Saturdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn, play, and grow together. All day craft activities: Do you have a story to share? Create your own kamishibai! Kamishibai is a form of storytelling that originated in Japane...
Kokeshi: From Folk Art to Art Toy
2009年07月11日 - 2009年10月04日
Take a fresh look at the traditional and iconic Japanese kokeshi folk toy by exploring its origins and history, as well as what contemporary artists are producing in homage to this humble object. A special display of custom painted kokeshi is also featured—and available for sale at the Museum Store—by over 100 well-known international contemporary artists. This exhibition presented in collaboration with: ...
Summer Film Festival: "Bento to Mixed Plate: Politics of Plate Lunch"
2009年07月02日 - 2009年07月12日
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center, the National Museum will continuously screen Bento to Mixed Plate: Politics of Plate Lunch. Politics of Plate Lunch is a penetrating yet tender look beneath the “island paradise” stereotype to explore the inter-ethnic and generational complexities of contemporary Hawai‘i. 20 min. This special showing will be screened at the Tera...