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Fighting for Democracy Pre-visit Workshop
Sign-up for a FREE Pre-Visit Workshop Thursday, April 10, 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Dinner provided) WHAT IS FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY? For hundreds of years people have sought a home and future in the United States of America. They came, and still come, in pursuit of freedom and democracy. Yet, the dream of democracy is not without its struggle. Against the backdrop of World War II, a segregated America, and the Civil ...
MOCA Talk: Allan Kaprow -- Art as Life
In conjunction with Allan Kaprow -- Art as Life, art historian and writer Jeffy Kelly will discuss his close friend Allan Kaprow and the artist's work in a talk entitled, Memory of Happenings. For more information, please call 213-621-1745 or This program is in conjunction with the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Neglected Legacies: Japanese American Women and Redress: Organizing the Community
REDRESS REMEMBERED (Part 2 of 3) This program will feature first-hand accounts from participants in the major Redress/ Reparations organizations that held pride of place during the 1980s. The current list of speakers include: Chizu Omori, Seattle, on JACL/ Pacific Northwest region; Aiko Herzig on her work with NCJAR, CWRIC, and Coram Nobis; Lillian Nakano, on her work in NCRR Susan Nakaoka (Calif...
Southwest Chamber Music: Music Unwrapped
FREE! Enjoy new quartet music from Southeast Asia juxtaposed with the exciting Mozart Hunt Quartet. Part of a three-year cultural exchange project between Southwest Chamber Music Music and the Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and the Hanoi National Conservatory in Vietnam. Visit their website
One Way or Another - Gallery Talk
Gallery talk with curator Karin Higa and artists Kaz Oshiro and Glenn Kaino. Left: Glenn Kaino Graft (salmon) 2006 Shark skin, thread, salmon skin, plastic 36 x 12 x 4 in. Collection of the artist Photograph SJK, courtesy of The Project, New York
Little Tokyo Walking Tour
Relive history, learn about present-day Little Tokyo with National Museum docents. $8 Members; $13 non-members, includes Museum admission. Comfortable walking shoes and clothes recommended. Weather permitting.
Resettlement to Redress: Rebirth of the Japanese American Community
REDRESS REMEMBERED (Part 2 of 2) Our second Redress Remembered program will begin with a special screening of Resettlement to Redress. Following the screening, there will be a discussion with Adam Schrager, the author of The Principled Politician: The Ralph Carr Story. The film and book are currently available in our Museum Store. Schrager will be signing copies following the program. In addition, there will ...
Hanamatsuri: The Celebration of Buddha's Birth A Day of Lectures and Activities at Japanese American National Museum April 11
The birth of Buddha will be celebrated at the Japanese American National Museum on April 11 from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a variety of programs scheduled for both young and old. Included on this special day will be lectures in Japanese and English, a taiko performance, a Hanamatsuri (Flower Festival) service, as well as storytelling and craft activities designed especially for children. Beginning at 11 a.m., ...