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Mine Okubo: Following Her Own Road by Greg Robinson
Mar 07, 2009
Greg Robinson and Elena Tajima Creef will present excerpts from their new anthology MINE OKUBO: FOLLOWING HER OWN ROAD. They will discuss Miné Okubo's life and work, including the creation and influence of her pioneering camp memoir CITIZEN 13660.
"Common Ground" Exhibition Tour
Mar 07, 2009
Tour our ongoing exhibition Common Ground: Heart of a Community with our experienced and knowledgeable docents.
Fighting for Democracy Pre-visit Workshop
Mar 05, 2009
Sign-up for a FREE Pre-Visit Workshop Thursday, March 5, 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Dinner provided) WHAT IS FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY? For hundreds of years people have sought a home and future in the United States of America. They came, and still come, in pursuit of freedom and democracy. Yet, the dream of democracy is not without its struggle. Against the backdrop of World War II, a segregated America, and the Civil...
Letters to A Student Revolutionary
Mar 01, 2009
Sunday, March 1 @ 3:00PM & 7:30 PM In commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. Written by Elizabeth Wong, and directed by Peter J. Kuo, Letters is about a decade-long correspondence between two pen pals and their search for true democracy. $15 members/Student/Seniors/Groups (10+); $20 for non-members. PANEL DISCUSSION immediately following 3:00 PM matinee show with: Play...
Letters to A Student Revolutionary
Feb 28, 2009
Saturday, Feb 28 @ 8:00 PM Sunday, March 1 @ 3:00PM & 7:30 PM In commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. Written by Elizabeth Wong, and directed by Peter J. Kuo, Letters is about a decade-long correspondence between two pen pals and their search for true democracy. Panel discussion of civil and human rights advocates and scholars will follow the Sunday matinee performance ...
Little Tokyo Walking Tour
Feb 28, 2009
Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with National Museum docents. $8 Members; $13 non-members, includes Museum admission. Comfortable walking shoes and clothes recommended. Weather permitting.
Kogi Taco Truck
Feb 26, 2009
Check out the Kogi Korean Taco Truck will be in front of the National Museum this Thursday. If you've never had Korean style tacos, this is an opportunity you shouldn't miss! For more information, go to:
The Community Day of Remembrance
Feb 21, 2009
FREE ALL DAY! The Day of Remembrance is held each year to commemorate President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's signing of Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942. EO 9066 authorized the unconstitutional forced removal of 120,000 Japanese Americans from the west coast and Hawai'i during World War II. Mass incarceration of Japanese Americans was accepted by the majority of US Citizens because of the racial prejud...
Kogi Taco Truck
Feb 20, 2009
PLEASE NOTE: THIS WEEK KOGI HAS BEEN MOVED FROM THURSDAY TO FRIDAY Check out the Kogi Korean Taco Truck will be in front of the National Museum this Thursday. If you've never had Korean style tacos, this is an opportunity you shouldn't miss! For more information, go to:
Bringing the Circle Together: Whispers
Feb 19, 2009
Free Screening of Whispers Chumash filmmaker George Angelo, Jr. interviews and documents three Indigenous cultures of Southern California: the Chumash, Tongva/Gabrielino, and Juaneno. This extraordinary documentary presents their history and living traditions, with a special focus on rock art, the tomol, and dolphin dancers. Guests for the night include filmmaker George Angelo, Jr. Bringing the Circle Togethe...