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Fighting for Democracy Pre-visit Workshop
Jan 17, 2009
Sign-up for a FREE Pre-Visit Workshop Thursday, January 17, 10:00 AM - 1:00 AM (Lunch provided) WHAT IS FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY? For hundreds of years people have sought a home and future in the United States of America. They came, and still come, in pursuit of freedom and democracy. Yet, the dream of democracy is not without its struggle. Against the backdrop of World War II, a segregated America, and the Ci...
Bringing the Circle Together: Kaho'olawe Aloha 'Aina
Jan 15, 2009
Free Screening of Kaho'olawe Aloha 'Aina Produced by the Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana, this documentary traces the history and activism on Kaho’olawe island, from ancient times through the years of ranching, U.S. military bombardment, and the modern-day struggle to stop the bombing and reclaim the island. A very special performance to follow the screening by Hawaiian guitar extraordinaire Makana. Kalani Queypo (Bla...
Leaps of Faith by Great Leap
Jan 10, 2009
Performances are at 3:00 and 8:00 PM A woman born both Jewish and Muslim wrestles with god; a comical super-hero attempts to save people from their ignorance about the religious practices of others; a raised-Catholic woman finds another “mother” in the Hindu tradition. These are some of the stories in LEAPS OF FAITH, an ensemble theater piece. In a world where religious differences often become divisive an...
LAAA’s Open Show Film Screening and Panel Discussion
Jan 08, 2009
Los Angeles Art Association is proud to announce the film component of the Open Show, LAAA’s all signature survey exhibition. As with the Open Show exhibition at currently on view at Gallery 825, all video and films were juried by David Pagel, art critic for the Los Angeles Times. This special screening and panel discussion features: Teresa Flores, “Tortilla Burning” Zig Gron, “Debate 08 (Video Flag Update)” Da...
Artist Roundtable
Jan 08, 2009
Join a roundtable discussion moderated by one of the curators and Eve Fowler, Lari Pittman, and Erika Rothenberg from the exhibition. These distinguished artists will be discussing visual art in LA over the last 20 years -- relationships of art to the city, changes that have taken place in LA Art since the late 80s, what's it like to be an artist in LA, changing landscape of support (funding, galleries, institut...
2009 Oshogatsu Family Festival
Jan 04, 2009
FREE ALL DAY! Ring in the New Year with fun arts ‘n crafts, whimsical tales, and exciting performances. 11:00 – Doors open 11:00 – 4:00 – Craft activities for the entire family Create your own daruma doll and make a wish for 2009! Decorate a postcard to send as a New Year’s greeting to a friend or family member Make an origami crane ornament and embellish it with decorations to make it...
Erika-San by Allen Say
Jan 03, 2009
Meet award-winning author and illustrator Allen Say for the launching of his new book, Erika-san, about an American girl’s discoveries while visiting Japan. The book will be available for sale in January 2009 through the Museum Store. Other Family Events at the National Museum January 4: Oshogatsu (New Years) Family Festival *FREE ALL DAY January 17: WOK and ROLL Family Cooking Adventures February 14 – Tar...
"Common Ground" Exhibition Tour
Jan 03, 2009
Tour our ongoing exhibition Common Ground: Heart of a Community with our experienced and knowledgeable docents.
America's Concentration Camps
Mar 01, 2000
The award-winning exhibition America’s Concentration Camps: Remembering the Japanese American Experience is the featured exhibit at the California Historical Society beginning March 21 and running through June 18, 2000. The exhibit drew record crowds to its premier at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles in 1994 and 1995, Ellis Island in 1998 and the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atl...
Mar 01, 2000
LOS ANGELES—More Than a Game: Sport in the Japanese American Community, the new exhibition at the Japanese American National Museum, opens with a sport-filled family festival on Saturday, March 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, March 5 from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Paying tribute to the 70-year old history of Japanese American basketball leagues will be the National Museum’s first Intergenerational Basketball Free Thr...