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Dreams to Dreams
Dec 02, 2008 - Jan 25, 2009
SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT The Japanese American National Museum in association with Dacosta of Chocolate Soop bring you the first custom vinyl toy show in a museum. 39 artists have customized Chocolate Soop’s DCTO (Dream Come True Object), a futuristic vinyl version of a traditional Japanese New Year’s folk toy. DCTO (pronounced dik-toe) is an urban vinyl version of a daruma, symbol of the 5th century Buddhist mon...
Craft Class with Ruthie Kitagawa: Holiday Cards
Nov 29, 2008
Create beautiful Christmas and New Year’s cards for everyone on your list. $8 Museum members; $13 non-members, includes Museum admission and supplies.
Little Tokyo Walking Tour
Nov 29, 2008
Relive history and learn about present-day Little Tokyo with National Museum docents. $8 Members; $13 non-members, includes Museum admission. Comfortable walking shoes and clothes recommended. Weather permitting.
Alcatraz Is Not An Island
Nov 20, 2008
Bringing the Circle Together: A Native American Film Series -- Screening of 'Alcatraz Is Not An Island' When a small group of Native American students and “Urban Indians” began the occupation of Alcatraz Island in November 1969, they sparked a movement joined by thousands, retaking “Indian land” for the first time since the 1880s. This historic event altered U.S. Government Indian policy and programs, and how it f...
Stanley Hayami, Nisei Son: His Diary, Letters & Story
Nov 15, 2008
From American Concentration Camp to Battlefield 1942-1945 During World War II, Stanley Hayami, a 16 year-old Heart Mountain prisoner, aspiring artist-writer, dedicated Nisei son, and later a 442nd RCT veteran, began a diary chronicling his thoughts and optimistic hopes for a “United Nations of Earth.” Joanne Oppenheim, author of Dear Miss Breed, will share her interviews with Hayami's family and friends and her...
Vaudeville Night
Nov 14, 2008
FREE! A night of performances and videos by a selection of CCF fellowship recipients in one of LA's historic theaters, now converted into an arts center that is home to CCF fellow Sara Velas' recently completed panoramic painting installation, The Efflugence of the North. Please note, Vaudeville Night will take place at The Velaslavasay Panorama, which is located at: 1122 W. 24th St. Los Angeles, CA 90007. ...
Gallery Talk: 20 Years Ago Today
Nov 13, 2008
Come join us for an exciting gallery talk with a curator and artists Dominique Moody and Haruko Tanaka.
Target Free Family Day: Brilliant Beats
Nov 08, 2008
FREE ALL DAY Enjoy a day of family fun that explores shared traditions within the Asian American community. November's theme is drumming. Generously sponsored by Target, these special Saturdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn, play, and grow together. All day craft activities: Feel the beat and make some noise by decorating your own spinning drum and constructing a gobbling...
Edamame Nights
Nov 06, 2008
Join the cast of Cold Tofu at the Edamame Lounge as they improvise scenes and music to create a complete 40-minute show! A headline lounge singer will thrill you with (made up) songs that you know and love, while the lives of the Edamame Lounge patrons unfold before your very eyes and in their own (improvised) karaoke favorites.
Fighting for Democracy Pre-visit Workshop
Nov 06, 2008
Sign-up for a FREE Pre-Visit Workshop Thursday, November 6, 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Dinner provided) WHAT IS FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY? For hundreds of years people have sought a home and future in the United States of America. They came, and still come, in pursuit of freedom and democracy. Yet, the dream of democracy is not without its struggle. Against the backdrop of World War II, a segregated America, and the Ci...