As of December 27, 2021
With the rapidly increasing COVID-19 infection rates in Los Angeles County due to the Omicron variant, the Japanese American National Museum will temporarily close to the public effective immediately. The safety of our community is of paramount importance to us, as is our obligation as a public institution to do our part to support efforts to inhibit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We will continue to monitor public health guidelines and reassess as the situation unfolds.
In the 30 years since JANM first opened its doors, we’ve been sustained and inspired by your support and commitment to the Museum. While our doors are temporarily shuttered, we do hope that you’ll take this opportunity to explore our digital content—our rich collection of life histories and documentaries where Japanese American stories come alive; our archive of letters and documents that preserve this important history; and activities from our Education Unit that can be done at home. We also invite you to join us for upcoming virtual programs. We hope you will continue your journey of learning with us.
In this immersive experience, get transported back to the 1940s with actor Kurt Sanchez Kanazawa, the voice of Stanley Hayami in A Life in Pieces, as he reads aloud from the letters and diaries of Stanley. Diary entries and letters will be selected from his time during the winter holidays in the Heart Mountain concentration camp and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
This program is held in conjunction with the exhibition, A Life in Pieces: The Diary and Letters of Stanley Hayami.