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Fighting for Democracy Pre-Visit Workshop
2007年05月24日 - 2008年05月24日
Sign-up for a FREE Pre-Visit Workshop Thursday, May 24, 4:30-7:30 PM (Dinner provided) WHAT IS FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY? For hundreds of years people have sought a home and future in the United States of America. They came, and still come, in pursuit of freedom and democracy. Yet, the dream of democracy is not without its struggle. Against the backdrop of World War II, a segregated America, and the Civil Right...
Learning Ruth Asawa's Looped-Wire Technique
A Workshop with Aiko Cuneo "How did she do that," is often the first reaction to Ruth Asawa's wire sculptures. Wonder no more because during this workshop, Aiko Cuneo demonstrates the basic technique her mother used to create her remarkable wire sculpture forms. Space is limited and reservations highly recommended to 213.625.0414. Workshops are from 2-3 pm and 3-4 pm. $5 Museum members, $8 non-members includes Mus...
Sculpture as a Feminist Art Form?
In conjunction with Wack! Art and the Feminist Revolution at the Geffen Contemporary, Museum of Contemporary Art Ruth Asawa was probably unaware that she was flouting an artistic tradition that considered sculpture as a primarily masculine enterprise. Instead of creating pedestaled works of stone or bronze, Asawa selected wire as the material to create her most memorable works, which she then hung from the ceiling...
"We Do, Too": APIs and the Marriage Equality Debate
A panel of experts discuss the historical, political, religious, and legal implications of the debate on equal marriage rights for lesbians and gays. Presenters include Reverend Mark Nakagawa, senior minister of Centenary United Methodist Church in Little Tokyo, attorney Karin Wang of the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, and author/activist Helen Zia, who in 2005 married her long-time partner in San Francisco. Mo...
Come Join The Pupu Party!
The Japanese American National Museum and the Ainahau ‘o Kaleponi ("From the Cool Lands of California") Hawaiian Civic Club would like to invite you to a "Pupu Party" ("Appetizer Party")—Mixed Plate Style! On Sunday, April 19, 1998 from 1 p.m.–3 p.m., members of the Hawaiian Civic Club will divulge their favorite secret recipes from the Islands representing the ethnic mix of Hawai`i, China, Philippines, Samoa,...
The Neighborhood Project
The Japanese American National Museum is proud to collaborate with Luis Alfaro, Co-Director of the Latino Theatre Initiative at the Mark Taper Forum, ARTScorpsLA, and students from Belmont High School to create The Neighborhood Project which explores the various LA communities’ interpretation of family, community, and neighborhood in the form of a play. Three free performances will be held at the Museum, locat...
About Face: Performing Race In Fashion And Theater
A provocatively genre-bending text, About Face examines how representations in the fashion and theater industries affect the areas of ethnography, feminist and minority issues, and popular culture. On Thursday, April 16, 1998 at 7:30 p.m., author Dorinne Kondo will be at the Japanese American National Museum to discuss her innovative book for free! Based on Kondo’s fieldwork, this unprecedented book brings together...
Greeting Card Series At The Japanese American National Museum
Come join the fun and participate in the exciting greeting card series at the Japanese American National Museum and learn how to make Origami Birds and Mizuhiki Envelopes! Located at 369 East First Street in the Little Tokyo Historic District of Los Angeles, call 213.625.0414 today to reserve your spot in the free Origami Birds workshop on Saturday, April 11, 1998, and the free Mizuhiki Envelopes workshop on Saturd...
World War II Incarceration Of Japanese Americans Featured In Ellis Island Exhibit
The award-winning exhibition, America’s Concentration Camps: Remembering the Japanese American Experience, which drew record crowds to the Japanese American National Museum in 1994 and 1995, is a featured exhibit at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum in New York City beginning Friday, April 3 and running through January 5, 1998. The exhibition details the World War II experiences of 120,000 Americans of Japan...
America's Concentration Camps: Remembering the Japanese American Experience
PUBLIC PROGRAMS "COMING TO TERMS: The Impact of World War II on American Jews and Japanese Americans Today" Sunday, March 29, 1998 1 p.m.–5 pm New York University Law Library – Greenberg Lounge This public program brings the American Jewish and Japanese American communities together in an examination of the history of each group in relation to World War II. The audience will be engaged in a discus...