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Members Only Curator Tour: “Contested Histories”
JANM Members are invited to join exhibition curator Clement Hanami, JANM’s Vice President of Exhibitions and Art Director, for a walkthrough of JANM’s exhibition, Contested Histories: Preserving and Sharing a Community Collection. The exhibition consists of the Eaton Collection, some 400 objects made by Japanese American incarcerees that were saved from the auction block by the incredible efforts of community organiz...
ドキュメンタリー映画「ノブコ・ミヤモト:ソング・イン・ムーブメント」を、2024年10月29日(火)に青山学院大学で東京プレミア上映します。上映に先立ち、全米日系人博物館(JANM)の館長兼CEOであるアン・バロウズが、このドキュメンタリーとJANMの最新情報をご紹介します。ぜひ東京でJANMの最新作をご覧ください。時代を先ゆくアーティストであり、アクティビストであるノブコ・ミヤモト。彼女の半生と、アジア系アメリカを一変させたその活動を紹介するこのドキュメンタリーは、JANMのフランク・H・ワタセ・メディア・アーツ・センターとPBS SoCalが制作しました。類まれなるストーリーテラーであるノブコ・ミヤモトの数十年にわたる画期的な活動の数々とさまざまな地域や産業、家族、歴史をむすびつけてきたその人生を振り返る中で、日系アメリカ人コミュニティーがどのように変化してきたのかが浮かび上がります。PBS南カリフォルニアとの共同制作である...
Film Screening—Nobuko Miyamoto: A Song in Movement at Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo)
Nobuko Miyamoto: A Song in Movement will have its Tokyo premiere at Aoyama Gakuin University on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. Ann Burroughs, the president and CEO of JANM will introduce the documentary and JANM's updates before the film. Please come to see the JANM’s latest work in Tokyo!This new sweeping documentary from JANM’s Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center and PBS SoCal that follows the life of visionary artist-ac...
JANM Members Only: Coffee and Community
Enjoy great coffee and be in-the-know of the big changes coming to JANM.Find out more about the major renovation of JANM’s Pavilion that will start in early 2025 and JANM on the Go, a series of programs and events that will engage communities in Los Angeles’s Little Tokyo and beyond. The morning will also include insights into the design and development of our new core exhibition and self-guided or docent-led tours o...
Book Launch—Giant Robot: Thirty Years of Defining Asian-American Pop Culture
Celebrate the release of a new book that dives deep into the pop culture phenomenon of Giant Robot. Author and Giant Robot founder, Eric Nakamura, will be joined by special guests Randall Park, Martin Wong, and Daniel Wu to talk about the zines, stores, exhibitions, and more that redefined what it means to be Asian American. About the bookGiant Robot: Thirty Years of Defining Asian-American Pop Culture features the b...
Democracy and AI
In an era where AI is transforming everything from how we communicate to how we vote, this program brings together Dave Lesher, cofounder of CalMatters; Ted Schilowitz, a noted futurist; John Bwarie of Stratiscope; and artist Michelle Woo from For Freedoms for a conversation about the intersection of democracy and AI. The panel will dive into burning questions, examine whether governments should take legislative acti...
JANM Announces Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Roundtable in Japan on November 2, 2024
LOS ANGELES, CA – The Japanese American National Museum (JANM) will host a roundtable discussion on emerging trends in diversity, equity, and inclusion in Japan and an information session on applying to the 2025 Watanabe Democracy Fellowship. The program will be at the Japan Foundation in Tokyo, Japan, on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. It is free and open to the public, and RSVP is recommended at
Kokoro 2024 Craft Show
Celebrate and shop during the 16th Anniversary of the Kokoro Craft Show at JANM! This annual craft show is sponsored by the Friends of JANM and features fashion apparel and accessories, jewelry, ceramics, gifts, and more from over fifty vendors. Shoppers who spend $25 or more will receive a 10% discount to local restaurants. No prize drawing this year. Order bentos by October 10 (DETAILS).SCHEDULE9:30 a.m.—JANM Membe...
June Kuramoto: The Arigato Event
In Japanese, the saying “Ichigo Ichie” translates to “Once chance, one opportunity.” Join us in expressing gratitude to the noted koto musician, June Kuramoto, in an Arigato event celebrating her legacy and community. This event gives Kuramoto the chance to thank her friends and family for their support and, in return, they can thank her for her years as a musician who has defined Japanese American arts and culture.K...
Contested Histories: Preserving and Sharing a Community Collection
2024年10月19日 - 2025年01月05日
During World War II, Japanese Americans incarcerated in America’s concentration camps demonstrated their resilience, ingenuity, and creativity, from crafting necessities like furniture and tools to creating works of art. In 2015, thanks to the efforts of community organizations, leaders, and activists, like the Earle K. & Katherine F. (Muto) Moore Foundation, the Japanese American History: Not For Sale Facebook page,...