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The Kona Coffee Story: Portraits of a Community

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The Kona Coffee Story: Portraits of a Community

Kona coffee is known world-wide as one of the premier quality coffees on the market, yet little is known about the industry or the people who labor to produce this aromatic coffee. Join life history curator Darcie Iki as she presents a historical portrait of the coffee farmers of Kona by sharing her research and oral history recordings that she conducted in Kona. This lecture includes a slide show of historical photos and audio clips of the voices of the farmers themselves. Hear about their struggle for independence, their determination to succeed and the spirit of community cooperation that existed in the past and that continues into the present.


1:00 PM PDT

Kona coffee is known world-wide as one of the premier quality coffees on the market, yet little is known about the industry or the people who labor to produce this aromatic coffee. Join life history curator Darcie Iki as she presents a historical portrait of the coffee farmers of Kona by sharing her research and oral history recordings that she conducted in Kona. This lecture includes a slide show of historical photos and audio clips of the voices of the farmers themselves. Hear about their struggle for independence, their determination to succeed and the spirit of community cooperation that existed in the past and that continues into the present.


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