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Kip Fulbeck's new book project is MIXED KIDS
Kip Fulbeck's new book project is MIXED KIDS ... a photo portrait book about multiracial/multiethnic kids! We're having an open shoot Sunday, October 12th. Here are the details: MIXED KIDS PHOTO SHOOT / L.A. OPEN CALL This is an open call for mixed kids 12 and under ... multiracial, biracial, mestizo, Hapa, etc. Any ethnic mixture is welcome! Approximately 100 children will be picked for the book. DETA...
No-No Boys, Draft Resistors & the Legacy of the internment: David Mura's New Novel
David Mura, author of Turning Japanese, will read from and discuss his new novel Famous Suicides of the Japanese Empire. The novel explores the fate of a Japanese American family whose father was a No-No Boy during World War II. The narrator, Ben Ohara, is a sansei who grows up knowing little of his father's past. Mura will talk about the continued relevance of the internment in the current debates on national sec...
Craft Class with Ruthie Kitagawa: Holiday Cards
Create fun Halloween and Thanksgiving cards for your friends and family. $8 for National Museum members; $13 for non-members, includes Museum admission and supplies.
The True Patriot
Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer authors of The True Patriot will lead a lively conversation on what constitutes “true” patriotism and how its pursuit can change politics in America. For more information about the book, visit
Museums Free-For-All
ADMISSION: Free In a joint effort to welcome diverse communities across Southern California, the Museum Marketing Roundtable announces the fourth annual "Museums Free-For-All" during the weekend of Saturday, October 4, and Sunday, October 5, 2008. The twenty-four institutions listed below—exploring art, cultural heritage, natural history and science—will offer free admission to all visitors on one or both dates....
20 Years Ago Today Exhibition Opening Celebration!
FREE to the public Enjoy a special exhibition opening of California Community Foundation Presents 20 Years Ago Today: Supporting Individual Artists in L.A. All are invited to view some of L.A.’s most exciting and innovative visual works of art from the past twenty years. No RSVPs required.
Exhibition Tour: Common Ground
Tour our ongoing exhibition Common Ground: Heart of a Community with our experienced and knowledgeable docents.
Asian American Poetry & Writing Presents: Creative Writing Classes
2008年10月04日 - 2008年11月08日
This Fall 2008 Asian American Poetry and Writing (AAPW) and the Japanese American National Museum are proud and excited to offer community-based creative writing workshops for aspiring and emerging writers. Our goal is to create affordable and culturally sensitive classes that allows writers the space to explore craft and theme in their work. When: October 4, 2008 - November 8, 2008 (Saturday mornings and af...
20 Years Ago Today
2008年10月04日 - 2009年01月11日
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the California Community Foundation’s Fellowships for Visual Artists, this exhibition illustrates the cultural emergence of Los Angeles as seen through the development of visual artists. Since the fellowships were first awarded in 1988, L.A.’s arts landscape has changed considerably. Today, the milieu of the city’s art is receiving increased global recognition. This exhibition f...
Multiple Feeds
FREE! Los Angeles Art Association is proud to partner with Otis College of Art and Design on an essential screening of Otis’ time-based and new media artists. Part of Otis’ 90th Anniversary celebration, this screening will acknowledge and commemorate the many important video artists fostered at Otis. Curated by Erika Suderburg. For more information, visit: