Nima Voices: Episode 8—Laura Honda-Hasegawa


Nima Voices: Episode 8—Laura Honda-Hasegawa

Nima Voices: Episode 8—Laura Honda-Hasegawa


Nima Voices: Episode 8—Laura Honda-Hasegawa


[Language: Portuguese]

Discover Nikkei is JANM’s community-based web project sharing stories and the experiences of Nikkei around the world. “Nima” are members of the Discover Nikkei online community. Hailing from all around the world, they each bring unique experiences and perspectives to the site’s rich archive of stories.

Nima Voices is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief, but enlightening, interviews. In the eighth episode (and first in Portuguese!), guest host Patricia Murakami, a Japanese Brazilian lawyer from São Paulo who is active in many Nikkei associations, will be talking with Laura Honda-Hasegawa, a Sansei also from São Paulo whose writing shares her and others’ experiences and perspectives of being Nikkei. In her fiction, her stories explore life for dekasegi living in Japan. She has been contributing her stories in both Portuguese and Japanese on Discover Nikkei since 2011. In addition to writing three original series, she has also contributed articles for other special series and on other topics. Laura also supported Discover Nikkei in many other ways. Join us as she discusses her writing, Nikkei communities in Brazil, her experiences living in Japan, and more.

Read Laura’s stories on Discover Nikkei before tuning in for this live interview and Q&A on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 3 p.m. (PDT) / 7 p.m. (Brazil) on the Discover Nikkei YouTube channel or on Facebook. Log into your YouTube or Facebook account to post questions for the Q&A!



3:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM PDT

We encourage you to subscribe to the Discover Nikkei YouTube channel so you will be notified when the video is streaming live.


[Language: Portuguese]

Discover Nikkei is JANM’s community-based web project sharing stories and the experiences of Nikkei around the world. “Nima” are members of the Discover Nikkei online community. Hailing from all around the world, they each bring unique experiences and perspectives to the site’s rich archive of stories.

Nima Voices is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief, but enlightening, interviews. In the eighth episode (and first in Portuguese!), guest host Patricia Murakami, a Japanese Brazilian lawyer from São Paulo who is active in many Nikkei associations, will be talking with Laura Honda-Hasegawa, a Sansei also from São Paulo whose writing shares her and others’ experiences and perspectives of being Nikkei. In her fiction, her stories explore life for dekasegi living in Japan. She has been contributing her stories in both Portuguese and Japanese on Discover Nikkei since 2011. In addition to writing three original series, she has also contributed articles for other special series and on other topics. Laura also supported Discover Nikkei in many other ways. Join us as she discusses her writing, Nikkei communities in Brazil, her experiences living in Japan, and more.

Read Laura’s stories on Discover Nikkei before tuning in for this live interview and Q&A on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 3 p.m. (PDT) / 7 p.m. (Brazil) on the Discover Nikkei YouTube channel or on Facebook. Log into your YouTube or Facebook account to post questions for the Q&A!

We encourage you to subscribe to the Discover Nikkei YouTube channel so you will be notified when the video is streaming live.


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